It’s not often I tell customers what I’m thinking, but I have been doing it lately.

I guess I’m just tired of giving excuses. I personally don’t like them, so I afford the same to my patrons.

Like the lady who seemed peeved because I had not got her drink order yet.

I replied, “Well, we have a packed house and I just got triple sat, I was getting around to it. What would you like to drink?”

Her response? 30% tip (I’m guessing for my honesty).

Or the guy who had to tell me 3 freaking times, “To not forget the honey butter for the bread.”

I replied while placing a finger on my forehead, “Yes, it has been seared in my brain, I won’t forget the honey butter.”

His daughter replies, “He doesn’t get out to eat much.”

Yah think?

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 1/18/11

5 Thoughts on “The Ugly Table (#22)

  1. Costner on January 19, 2011 at 7:36 am said:

    Next time I’m in there I’m going to ask you to make some croutons and bring me water with extra lemon and sugar packets.

  2. Truthinator on January 19, 2011 at 7:39 pm said:

    You work at a coffee shop, dude. What do you expect – to be treated like a surgeon?

  3. Huh?

    I work in a well respected full-service, full-bar restaurant in Sioux Falls. I wish I worked in a coffee shop, then I could show up stoned everyday.

  4. anonymous on January 20, 2011 at 9:38 am said:

    Where do you work?

  5. Doesn’t matter. I just wanted to correct you.

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