
My favorite Andy segment was about all the different foo-foo coffee flavors. At the end he said, “What’s wrong with coffee flavored coffee?” AMEN!

6 Thoughts on “Andy Rooney’s final segment

  1. Johnny Roastbeef on October 3, 2011 at 10:19 pm said:

    Ali G and Andy Rooney is a classic too.


  2. Oh yeah. Racialist.

  3. Listening to Andy Rooney last night was interesting, he said when he was a kid his father was making $18,000 a year. He made good money and sent it home to his wife and Rooney said his mother spent it. They were not poor, he said he went to good schools. But think about it, he is 92 years old, 18 grand then was a lot of money, and here we are in 2011 and some people are still making 18k a year and the damn right wingers think they should be taxed more. Then he said after the war he got a job as a writer. He wrote jokes for Arthur Godfrey and made $500 a week. More to think about.

  4. Poly43 on October 4, 2011 at 7:26 am said:

    Andy Rooney was 20 years old in 1939. In 1939 $18,000 translates into $293,367.63 using the CPI calculator. But you nevermind….just keep makin them croutons.

  5. No, shut up, and go make some croutons.

  6. Employers in South Dakota think 18 grand is “good money”. To pay their employees, not themselves of course.

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