(Image; KELO-TV)

I could just see it, Ironic Johnny looking in the mirror, wondering what GOP presidential candidate looked like him. Were these two separated at birth? If it weren’t so predictable it would be funny.

10 Thoughts on “Thune-Bag endorses a fellow Thune-Bag

  1. Curious MM on November 23, 2011 at 4:29 pm said:

    More image than substance.

    I would like to see Noem endorse just so we the tea baggers could see that she isn’t endorsing Bachmann. We all know Noem wants Romney also and that is why she won’t endorse.

    It will look bad for both of them when the have to go kiss The Gingrinch’s ring. I bet Thune didn’t like Gingrich when he was in the House. Thune served as freshman liason to leadership (like Noem does now) in 96 when Gingrich was speaker.

  2. I’d say it’s a safe bet John would be on Mitt’s short list for veep.

  3. Sy – Me and the co-founder of DaCola went out drinkin’ tonight, imagine that, anyhoo, he brought up the veep notion and we both poo-poo’d it. I think I said, ‘The only reason Ironic Johnny is endorsing Mitt, is because he isn’t crazy, except for being a Morman . . . “

  4. I highly doubt that Thune would get beyond a first list with any candidate – SD just doesn’t mean squat when it comes to electoral math and John isn’t that well known. Now, if Mitt (seriously, would you feel safe with a president named Mitt, or Newt, for that matter??) wins, JT could be up for a cabinet post – then we can start with the ticket positions…

  5. And to tell you the truth, who cares if Thune gets picked VP choice with Romney. Romney is going to lose hard to Obama.

  6. I agree with hmr, Thune is pointing for Ag Secretary, or some such position, not VP. That would mean Daugard would get to appoint a temp replacement in the Senate.

    Scot, I can’timagine ANY of the Repub candidates having even a remote chance to win. But……… this is s screwed upcountry so who knows. I am starting to put together plans to leave permamently for maybe SA or a Mediterranean island in 2017, no matter what.

  7. BELIZE is nice.

  8. I have personal connections in Honduras and Peru. Have seen good reports on Ecuador. Malta and Minorca are supposedly quite livable as well from what I hear.

  9. Two empty suits.

  10. No, those suits are full of something . . .

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