15 Thoughts on “When doing stories about college readiness, spell college correctly

  1. If you only knew half the stuff that goes on behind the camera, this error would be minor.

  2. Dukembe on December 24, 2011 at 7:04 am said:

    I imagine news presentations are like sausage — even if you like it, you don’t want to see it made. It’s unfortunate we have to engage in the same kind of willing suspension of disbelief for news, like we do with movies & TV. Maybe it’s always been that way; but it seems to be worsening.

  3. KDLT sneers at your fancy graphics.

  4. concerned liberal on December 24, 2011 at 11:10 pm said:

    My favorite local news error happen back in the early 90s.
    When one of the local TV news stations was doing a
    story about a local college student having been awarded
    a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. The headline for the news story said, “Local student receives famous Roads scholarship.” Perhaps, the student was going on to study
    civil engineering(?)

  5. Had a friend who was a producer for awhile at one of the TV dumps, and he would tell me all kinds of crazy stories (mostly about how thick the on-air personalities were). One of the funniest, even though he didn’t think it was too funny, was when two of the anchors were talking shit about him off air in the studio, though the microphones were on and he could hear everything. Let’s just say that didn’t end so well.

  6. What annoys me is that with all three of the local channels is that it is the same news stories over and over for a week or more. Repeating the news like that is boring, and annoying, for the listener. The early morning news could be cut to 15 minutes instead of the two/three hours that it is on, because the news and weather is the same for the whole time that it is on. Actually the nightly news at 10PM could be cut to 15 minutes, combined with the weather in the same time. frame.

  7. Joan, may I offer you a solution. Skip all that and just go to the internets. KELO has video for everything, so you can pick what you want.

  8. Badbenboyenemy on December 26, 2011 at 4:08 pm said:

    I have to admit, it took me a few minutes to find the misspelling. I’m sure most viewers at home didn’t even notice it, not because they don’t know how to spell, but because it goes by in a blur.

  9. cornholio on December 27, 2011 at 1:04 pm said:

    You could make a drinking game with all their spelling mistakes.

    I was watching this noon – under Scot Mundt’s name it said he’s a “Meterologist” (should be MeteOrologist).

  10. Someone should send their graphics guy a dictionary. That would be funny.

  11. Cornholio- If you decide to become a lush, make it a drinking game with the Argus! I believe it was the first paragraph of the headline story, misspelled words.

  12. The new anchor boy at Kelo needs to learn how to pronounce words. Yesterday he called Maryland, MARY-land.

  13. cornholio on December 27, 2011 at 8:09 pm said:

    I’m getting a buzz now – at 5pm KELO had “Coutdown to Caucuses”.

  14. Don’t ask Jon Wilson to pronounce ‘Tithing’ because #1, he doesn’t know what that is, and #2 he’s stupid.

  15. cornholio on December 27, 2011 at 11:06 pm said:


    Grater? WTH? Does the blade work like a cheese-grater?? If you don’t know the subject matter, then don’t do the story!

    If Public Works is looking for busy work (as this story makes it appear) then send a street sweeper to my neighborhood. My street was last swept in Fall 2010!

    MMM – first he mandated less mowing in the parks, now it is less (no?) cleaning of the streets. Drive around town and you’ll see A LOT of streets that weren’t swept this fall. Piles of dried, matted leaves up to the curbs.

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