Cory at Madville has a fantastic post with several rambling YouTube videos of Noem trying to explain away what she knows little about.

(BELOW: Cory H., Image, Rapid City Journal) “Oh no, someone is asking me a real question!”

21 Thoughts on “Watch Noem on the YouTubes (H/T – Madville Times)

  1. Man, that was f’ing painful! I just got done watching all of the videos, next time I suggest she hides crib notes in her gigantic belt buckle.

  2. The D-bag talking about Muslims, thank Gawd I wasn’t in the audience, because I would of stood up and said, “First off, I am a Deist and don’t believe in religious dogma, and secondly, the people who ran into the World Trade Center were very wealthy Saudi’s, does not matter what church they attended. That should scare us more then anything.

  3. She might make a slightly better impression if she would quit trying to look like a REAL rancher/cowboy. Dress in a casual/professional method to appear professional.

  4. Yeah, what’s up with that outfit? Ladies, please chime in.

  5. Sorry about the rambles! I work with the material I’m given… and Noem’s material is never that good. She sounds like she doesn’t even do briefings with her staff before going into events like this. If I were her, I’d be sitting with my aides on the whole drive from Watertown to Rapid saying, “All right, guys, quiz me. What are those Tea Party folks going to ask?”

  6. How many times did you want to stab yourself?

  7. D.E. Bishop on February 5, 2012 at 10:35 pm said:

    I wondered about her clothing. Looks awfully casual. Personally, I love casual, but I’m not in Congress representing 800,000 people. Looks disrespectful to me.
    Maybe she was trying to project a relaxed, I’m-one-of-you, just-like-you image.

    Doesn’t work for me.

  8. Shane Gerlach on February 6, 2012 at 9:38 am said:

    She looks like she is headed out to Borrowed Bucks to pick up a Drunk Augie boy.

  9. That’s her West River outfit, she wears this when she is in DC;

  10. If she would have worn a hat would that have been better?

  11. CH – C’mon! When you have Mitchell Hair – no hat required!

  12. concerned liberal on February 6, 2012 at 10:15 am said:

    Definitely … the divorced Milf at Borrowed Bucks.

  13. No sarc here, I do think Kristi is attractive, I actually believe that is what helped her achieve victory, I don’t fault her for being pretty, and I don’t think she has ever used it to back herself out of a corner. I just struggle with her ignorance. She gives brunettes a bad name.

  14. D.E. Bishop on February 6, 2012 at 3:59 pm said:

    You know, it’s easier for men. Wear a suit – you’re done. Or do a Mitt and wear an open collar shirt and jeans. Then we know he’s one of us.

    That’s what Noem did – knit shirt, jeans. At least she didn’t put one foot up on a hay bale. (Romney and Perry in Iowa.)

  15. Actually the outfit was just fine, I just chuckle when women wear a rodeo belt buckle, I think it looks tacky.

  16. Keytag on February 6, 2012 at 8:05 pm said:

    I haven’t seen any comments about Dumbo Boy from Chicago when he makes an appearance at a muffler factory with his white shirt sleeves rolled up wearing a pair of safety glasses? Closest he has been to an actual job in his life.

  17. Love it how Noem supporters always try to change the subject by bringing up Obama. Hey, dumbass, this thread is about how ignorant Noem is, and her bad style. Nowhere was Obama mentioned. If you would like to start your own blog and talk about Obama’s bad fashion sense, go for it, but don’t pollute my site with your ass-hattery.

  18. Yes, Cory, but if she did that she wouldn’t be able to be the one driving and putting her foot to the metal.

  19. Nice vocabulary 13wis. I don’t remember saying anything about President Obama but you did. My guess, your sense of humor is as thin as your skin. Or for some reason you feel a real need to defend ‘your man’?

  20. KT – Hardy, Har, Har, you got me. I feel like such an ass.

  21. Keytag on February 8, 2012 at 7:55 pm said:


    Nuff said :>)

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