This should come as no surprise that a Republican from SD is involved;

As expected, the swift boating of the President has begun and will likely continue until Election Day. God forbid Mitt Romney would actually engage on the issues. No, he just lets his surrogates make attack ads like this one which, by the way, do not mention any specific Navy SEAL with an objection but simply contend that SEALs object.

How convenient.

Here are some facts you should know about the Veterans for a Strong America, the 501(c)(4) non-profit group sponsoring the ad, via MoJo:

[Joel] Arends got his start in politics as a South Dakota Bush-Cheney field director in 2000. He’s currently the Republican party head in Lincoln County, South Dakota. Though he doesn’t list it on his public résumé, around 2006 Arends went to work for Craig Dewey, the state director of Americans for Prosperity, an advocacy outfit that’s astroturfed everything from the tea party and the Wisconsin union fight to public school segregation. (AFP’s nonprofit 501(c)3 wing is chaired by David Koch, who founded the Americans for Prosperity Foundation with his brother Charles.)


10 Thoughts on “I guess the Tea Bagger revolution partially got it’s start in Lincoln County. We should be so proud! (H/T – Testor & Helga)

  1. Testor15 on May 6, 2012 at 8:00 am said:

    Look at all his Facebook Friends (or co-conspirators?) he linked to:

    RedState, Human Events, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, Operation Gratitude, Gordon C. James Public Relations, 1st Cavalry Division, The University of South Dakota Alumni Association, Sarah Palin, Oliver North, Concerned Veterans for America, AFP – Iowa, Mark Mickelson For District 13 House, Isaac Latterell, The Carry Cross, JensenForHouse, Patty Miller – South Dakota House, Kevin D Jensen, Phyllis Heineman for District 13 Senate, Mark Johnston for District 12, Ernie Otten – SD District 6, Jason Long for SD House of Representatives, June Nusz for House, Pete Hegseth, Supporters of South Dakota Shared Parenting, 102nd Training Division (MS), University of South Dakota, George-Little Rock Community School District, South Dakota With Newt, Iraq Veterans for Congress, Being American by GO, TerraNova Strategies, The JOE FOSS Institute, The U.S. Army, Chris Nelson, Liz Cheney, First Coast Tea Party, Inc., Marcus Luttrell, Mitchell + Palmer, Call to Honor, VetsVoice Iowa, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Gallant Few Inc. (Kansas City), The Heritage Foundation, ONE, One Nation PAC, Newt Gingrich, University of South Dakota School of Law, National Review, Center for Security Policy, House Armed Services Committee Republicans, Foreign Policy Initiative, US Army Fort Benning, Americans for Rick Perry 2012, Rick Perry, Tom Cotton, Veterans for Rick Perry, Dick Cheney, South Dakota College Republicans, 1st Battalion, 168th Infantry Regiment, Memorial Day Tribute, The Patriot Post, Military Families United, 2012PoliticalReport, Conservative, Lincoln County GOP, Rushmore PAC, Veterans for a Strong America, Adam Hasner, Strong America Now, Secure America Now, Jason Hoyt, LS2group, Florida Security Council, Republican National Committee, Resurgent Republic, George Friedman, Kristi Noem, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Grimm, Kt McFarland, Terry Branstad, Operation Homefront, National Veterans for Republicans, Mary’s Project,, Sattgast for South Dakota, Don Castella for Lake County Republican Chairman, Gary Berntsen, Scott Munsterman, Van Taylor, Lang Sias for Congress, Lee Zeldin, Henry McMaster, Marty Jackley, South Dakota Attorney General, Fred Thompson, John Thune, Alpha Center, The 9-12 Project — South Dakota Chapter, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, Wounded Warrior Project, South Dakota Republican Party, Michael Yon, Tucker Carlson, Vaughn L. Ward, Steve Rathje, The Michael Koolidge Show, Joe Trippi, Sean Hannity, Blue Angels, William Kristol, Keep America Safe

  2. Testor15 on May 6, 2012 at 8:21 am said:

    Forgot to mention he has his own page ALEC Exposed

  3. rufusx on May 6, 2012 at 2:01 pm said:

    Reads to me that he is not actually “from” SD – but is here carpetbagging – “from” Iowa (Little Rock).

  4. Helga on May 6, 2012 at 2:20 pm said: ” A representative from the IRS told ThinkProgress that the agency does not have any forms from Arends’ group on file. ”
    One wonders how much truth can be derived from Arends. But he has gotten press so no doubt he is happy.

  5. Analog Kid on May 7, 2012 at 1:15 pm said:

    Whoever that guy is he’s a looser – Fake Tea Party backer. No mention of Liberty, Ron Paul or any of the liberty candidates such as Scott Bartlett for Senate district 12. Also no mention of 911 being an inside job as that’s how the tea party got started before rinos took over.

  6. l3wis on May 7, 2012 at 3:36 pm said:

    The Koch Brothers probably arranged 911 to 🙂

  7. Guest Poster on May 8, 2012 at 8:51 am said:

    Arends is just another Johnny-come-lately to the Koch Brothers feeding teet. As we have been learning, these MC followers try to catch some of the dangling pieces. Some do it to show how in touch they are, how tough they are, build their resumes or to be a big gun in a small gunfight.

    Most of these individuals have no positive input to add to any discussion. They are following the path blazed by the funders and only do what is necessary to keep the funds flowing to their efforts.

    An additional part of these efforts are their calls to radio programs. Many of the callers make are paid $25 – $50 per call made to radio call in shows. The funders are shadowy right wing organizations. The more you spread the funds into the base, the easier to keep the base in line.

  8. Dave R on May 8, 2012 at 9:11 am said:


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