As you know, I have been after this for awhile, and to tell you the truth my patience boiled over on Monday afternoon, when just the week earlier I was told that SIRE works ‘just fine.’

As I logged into the city website on Monday at 4 PM, I noticed the audit committee meeting was not viewable. I first called the clerk’s office. Assistant city clerk Denise verified that indeed SIRE was not working (I already knew that) so once again, the finger pointing started all over again. She blamed Central Services and basically had the same attitude I have been fighting on this topic for months, no accountability. I had some time on my hands Monday afternoon, so a began a barage of calls. First to the head of Central Services, Sue. Left a message, no answer. Then I called the mayor’s office, where I also left a message. Within 5 minutes or so I get a call from Jon Klemme, head of IT for the city. I wish I would have recorded our nearly 45 minute conversation. We got into about censorship, contracts, conspiracies, finger pointing, accountability, tax dollars, archives, etc. etc. I finally couldn’t listen to the excuse machine any longer and told Jon to have a nice evening, and I hung up on him.

I contacted Huether in an email on Tuesday morning, first of all apologizing for my tirades, and secondly pleading with him to fix the problem already. Well by yesterday afternoon at the informational meeting a press release was read. They finally ‘realized’ there was a problem, and they are going to have it fixed, hopefully this week.

So no, I wasn’t imagining it, the system is broke.


News Release For Immediate Release

Release Date: December 11, 2012

Contact:  Jon Klemme, Information Technology Manager

Phone: 367-8841

City Council Web Streaming

Sioux Falls, South Dakota: We are experiencing a failure with an audio/visual component at the Carnegie Town Hall. As a result, web streaming may not be available for today’s meetings. You may watch the meetings live on CityLink cable TV.

6 Thoughts on “Will SIRE finally be fixed?

  1. Congratulations on talking to the city guy for 45 minutes. They owe you.

  2. Also, the informational meeting on Tuesday has yet to post the presentation from the RR relocation update. Meeting materials were often posted a few days before meetings; now it’s becoming common for the materials not to be posted until several days after.

  3. Lamb Chislic on December 13, 2012 at 8:41 am said:

    I miss Debra Owen.

  4. Helga – I should get a property tax break for enduring that conversation:)

    Tom, it was up last night, and I watched it. At least I got them to at least admit that there is a problem. Last week they were in a state of freaking denial.

  5. DL you do deserve a property tax break as do all people who have to deal with city hall. Perhaps their goal is not to increase everyone’s use of 4 letter words but that is what they make people do.

  6. Helga, I could comment, but I won’t . . .

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