Seems Dan Kirby has some friends in high places;

There’s one main rule at the conservative donor conclaves held twice a year by Charles and David Koch at luxury resorts: What happens there stays there.

The billionaire industrialists and their political operatives strive to ensure the anonymity of the wealthy conservatives who fund their sprawling political operation—which funneled more than $400 million into the 2012 elections—and to keep their plans private.

Oops! Who lost that list?!

Dan Kirby: He’s president of Sioux Falls, South Dakota-based Kirby Financial.

Glad to see him funneling all that hard earned SD money to these yahoos.

4 Thoughts on “Dan Kirby makes the Koch Brothers secret donor list (H/T – Ruf)

  1. If you know who is on it, can you really call it a secret list?

  2. Was secret until “someone” screwed up and forgot to trash the list. Betcha Dan’s not happy his name got out.

  3. PrairieLady on February 7, 2014 at 12:19 pm said:

    Saw this earlier while having my morning coffee. Glad you posted it. I would really like to know how much Koch money has filtered into SD and SF. Was surprised to see they are working hard in small towns as Coralville, IA.

  4. anominous on February 7, 2014 at 1:09 pm said:

    A schedule for extracting a lot of money from naive dumb shits.

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