Like the Drake Springs pool vote, it seems some on the city council just can’t stand the fact that citizens passed snow gates. Like Drake Springs*, they need to get over it and move on. Like I told a person yesterday, I didn’t vote for the Events Center, but the citizens said they wanted it, so it is what it is, all I can do now is make sure the facility is ran properly, and the councilors should do the same about snow gates. Huber put on a great presentation that was factual, positive and forthright, and all Rolfing and Erpenbach did was grasp at straws about snow gates usefulness. Michelle even went as far as saying it might potentially affect real estate values. She mentioned that people on the end of the block may not get as good of service as people in the middle, and somehow in her crazy reasoning, this would affect home prices on corner lots. (Actual Presentation, starts at 1:04)

WOW. Michelle has said some pretty ridiculous things, but this takes the cake. It also shows how little she knows about real estate and should concern us that she is voting on affordable housing issues and planning and zoning.

First thing I was told when I was looking for my first home, “Don’t buy a corner lot.” They are notorious for more sidewalk to scoop, more yard to mow, more trees to trim, and you are responsible for scooping the sidewalk ends. Some people like corner lots, but they are known for more maintenance, this isn’t some real estate secret, and certainly, snowgates are not going to change these facts.

Michelle and Rex need to accept the vote of the people, and move on, snow gates are a part of city ordinance passed by the citizenry by over 70% of the vote. Stop crying about them.

*Actually, ironically, it is good thing citizens voted for an outdoor pool at Nelson Park, since the Aquatics Consultant the city hired said due to groundwater issues at the park, an indoor pool at that location would have had maintenance issues.

3 Thoughts on “Councilor Erpenbach grasping at straws over snowgates

  1. Dan Daily on December 10, 2014 at 11:54 am said:

    Erp is angry because Stehly won snow gates. They ran for the same council seat. Stehly accepted her loss graciously. Erp must now accept snowgates. Let’s move on. There’s an unconstitutional city charter that must be repealed.

  2. enough of Shape Places and MMM legacy on December 10, 2014 at 7:51 pm said:

    Erp is Erp, where the hell is Jamison and Erickson in this fray of crap. Why don’t they get some balls to embarrass them. This MMM perceived clout has to come to an end. I find it so damn funny that a councilor would be worried about the snow at the frkn intersection on ADA ramps affecting property values WTF. when all they need to do is write a damn contract that makes the contracted out snow removal contractors get the snow gates down around the corner and minimize the snow trail. Have these people never run a program or write a contract that is competitive and a good deal for the taxpayer. Good Grief charlie brown. Not Vernon Brown. LOL

  3. A sitting Councilor’s inability to accept the outcome of a public vote needs to be brought up when Erpenbach runs for mayor in 2018.

    I don’t hear her questioning anything about that indoor swimming pool which is going to cost the taxpayers over 20 million dollars to build and 700k to 1m to operate every year.

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