
Seems some people bailed on the project;

The City of Sioux Falls announces that the mixed-use development, including private development and a new public parking ramp announced in June, is taking a step forward.

After continuing negotiations with the developers selected for the project, both the City and development teams have determined the footprint for the project and have decided to place it entirely on the City-owned surface parking lot located at 110 South Mall Avenue. The Request for Proposal evaluation committee, which convened today, supports this position.

This designated footprint and project design will include all of the previously announced project elements. Final schematic design will determine the exact number of hotel rooms, apartments, retail spaces, and parking spaces.

The ‘BIG’ question is who is buying the old Skelly’s and Copper Lounge buildings? You also wonder if Darrin and Mike’s motor mouths announcing the project before a purchase agreement was signed screwed the whole deal up?

I also find nothing ‘unique’ about the building they are proposing besides grass on the roof. While I am against the TIF for the Washington Square project, at least that building will looks unique.

5 Thoughts on “The ‘Banks’ project ‘changes’ to a square

  1. The D@ily Spin on August 6, 2015 at 10:03 am said:

    How is it that a private project becomes Huether’s pride? He’s forgotten the people. Rather, he never noticed. Perhaps this will provide more alleyway and parking garage shelter for the growing street vagrant population. The construction workers might leave a little something in their discarded lunch sacks for the homeless to dig out of dumpsters.

  2. Hey spin, let’s be honest there is no reason anyone should go hungry in Suoux Falls. If homeless people need to dig through lunch sacks for food it is because they are drunk, high, or mentally disabled.

  3. scott on August 6, 2015 at 2:50 pm said:

    since this isn’t the original project the city accepted, could the others who submitted proposals sue to have the bids re-opened?

  4. Response To Me on August 9, 2015 at 11:33 am said:

    Hey Me, I am a part of Sioux Falls “working poor”.

    I am not drunk, high or mentally disabled, but I DO sometimes go hungry.

  5. Food stamps, the banquet, or one of the food pantries. I’m hungry sometimes too, but there is no reason to not have enough to eat in Sioux Falls.

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