How sadly mistaken Mike is. If he thinks this will go away after a steaming hot cup of coffee and a Bill Cosby Shrine bagel at Bagel Boy, he really does drink his own kool-aid (and not coffee).

The same question I have been getting all day, “Why are we getting a million dollars for something that doesn’t need fixing?” Even people on the KSFY poll (below) are wondering.

(Photo of EC with rainbow was taken at about 6 PM tonight by South DaCola foot soldier ‘Lil’ Bill)


4 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether, EC siding settlement, just a bunch of weekend coffee talk

  1. Lucky Charms on September 18, 2015 at 9:06 pm said:

    Look like a we bit o’ the blarney. We pot of gold was just taken, follow the rainbow

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 18, 2015 at 9:41 pm said:

    We don’t need a CEO. They hype the stock price, screw investors, and leave the company bankrupt with their golden rewards. A mayor should be an honest man who manages ethically and respectfully.

  3. This reeks of underhanded deals if I’ve ever seen one. We all know the EC siding is a huge issue! So why not fix it?! What plans does the mayor have for this money? Another pet project he wants to slide through no doubt!
    The pivotal word being “HE”.

  4. The D@ily Spin on September 20, 2015 at 10:22 pm said:

    Everyone buys what Huether presents. Fools, think for yourselves. I mean, why would there be a settlement were there not a problem? The council should vote the settlement into an escrow account reserved for future EC repairs. Otherwise, Huether will TIF it for tennis balls.

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