I’m wondering if they are holding their election party 3 days later because they think it will take that many days to count the votes 🙂


3 Thoughts on “Maybe the SD Democratic Party knows something we don’t

  1. Just thinking on November 2, 2016 at 1:32 pm said:

    With a plan like this in action, the Trumpers don’t need to do any election tampering, the Dems have it all covered.

  2. hornguy on November 2, 2016 at 3:33 pm said:

    I feel like any election night gathering with South Dakota Democrats would pretty much be the saddest event of my calendar year. All their statewide candidates lose, they never make gains in the state legislature, and if their party wins nationally, it’s never because of their work.

  3. I’d think the back room at the pizza ranch would be the right size for that crowd.

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