During his interview today with city councilor Christine Erickson (who kept her opinion to herself, only saying there is a group of regulars). Knobe went on a mini-rant about bloggers (which is ironic because he has a blog on this radio station’s website) going as far as calling us wackos.

I’m not offended, really I am not. Knobe and his counterpart, B-N-B say ridiculous things all the time because of their ignorance of local government. In fact, he didn’t even know the planning commission meetings are recorded live (neither did councilor Erickson).

He accused bloggers of saying things all times of the day. Well guess what, Rick, I do because #1 I can, and #2 I am informed and #3 I want to inform the citizens about things our local media does not.

As for us wacko bloggers, I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for our constant pressure, more transparency wouldn’t be appearing suddenly on the council. The million dollar settlement and secrecy lawsuit would have never happened surrounding the events center if it wasn’t for the big mouth of this wacko blogger.

I could go on and on about how much I have informed the public over the past decade and affected positive change for the citizens of this city. So if that makes me a ‘wacko’ I guess I’m a proud wacko.

5 Thoughts on “Rick Knobe calls bloggers who cover city politics ‘wackos’

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 19, 2017 at 6:14 pm said:

    There’s no truth without bloggers and AM radio. We know city TV is propaganda, KELO and KDLT report from the mayor’s script, and the Argus can’t afford investigative reporters. Thanks for what you do. Also, thanks to Knobe and BNB. Without these sources, we can’t know how corrupt and dysfunctional city government has become.

  2. Does Rick remember how he got elected Mayor in 1974? Does he really think that it was the establishment that helped him to defeat the incumbent Mike Schirmer?

    As I remember his 1974 candidacy, it started out as merely a radio “Shock Jock” joke, which gathered a momentum that was really not totally known or appreciated until all of the ballots had been counted. It was the “Wackos” of that time which swept him into power and not the establishment or the traditionalists…

    In fact, there is a political book which speaks to the election of Knobe, and Carter too, during the 1970s, which talks of how the empowerment of the people, like it or not, with all of their blemishes and pluses, too, empowered the “self-nominated.” And is that not what successful blogs are, too? The “self-nominated,” that is, or what some might call “Wackos?”


    Now, this book may overtime indict the efficacy of the “self-nominated,” but I would allege the give and take between them and the establishment is merely the revolutionary nature of our politics, which Jefferson often spoke of and advocated.

  3. Theresa stehly on January 20, 2017 at 1:11 am said:

    Scott, I didn’t hear the interview, but I believe you, Greg Belfrage, Rick Knobe, Jon Michaels and other media agencies have All helped to make Sioux Falls citizens more informed and engaged.
    I hope we can all work together to build a better rapport…name calling will never create respect…our community needs all of you. Keep up the good work!!!!

  4. Take it as a compliment especially considering the source.

  5. Warren Phear on January 20, 2017 at 8:25 am said:

    I remember vividly the knobe ascention in 74. He was just the opposite of belfrage. Knobe the anti establishment shock jock with all the answers. belfrage, the consumate yes man and PR director for huether. As it turned out, knobe was all hat, no cattle, just like belfrage.

    I was at one time an every day listener to VPU. knobe has had many wacko guests on his show. The one I rrmember in particular was Jerome Corsi. Wacko supreme. And knobe thinks you are wacko? What a joke. I stopped listening to his show when Randy McDaniels left.

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