4 Thoughts on “Downtown Parking Ramp * NOTICE * Postcard

  1. Unimpressed on November 30, 2017 at 6:50 pm said:

    Erickson and Neitzert have apparently drunk the mayor’s cool-aid and appear to be in his hip pocket on this issue.

    I wonder how that will work for Erickson’s re-election bid? She waddles between both camps (mayor vs people)and leads Neitzert by the nose a good deal of the time.

  2. But just how long can you get away with being both a Vinatieri and a Ray Finkle?

  3. I know it on November 30, 2017 at 10:37 pm said:

    Or maybe they are the only two that will look at the facts and make the best decision for Sioux Falls. You clearly have a couple councilors that agree with everything the mayor does and two that disagree with everything this mayor does. Probably best to pick the two that use their own minds to make decisions.

  4. ALERT!! ALERT!! on November 30, 2017 at 10:59 pm said:

    Are people aware and making the connection between this newly proposed parking ramp and the copper lounge collapse? THIS IS THE SAME DEVELOPER FOR BOTH PROJECTS!!! ALARMS ARE RINGING, HOPEFULLY, IN PEOPLE’S HEADS!!!!

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