Talking about horses, the mayor is chomping at the bit so bad to get this boondoggle of a parking ramp done, he is asking the city council to approve $246K in utility relocation expenses in Item #1 (consent agenda) on Tuesday at the council meeting BEFORE Items#44-45 are approved (the parking ramp contract).

Talk about confidence. Not even sure if this is procedurally legal? Where’s Fiddle-Faddle when you need someone to bend the rules?

While I will agree this will probably pass by a 6-2 vote, it seems pretty arrogant to ask the council to approve an expense that wouldn’t be necessary if the contract isn’t approved.

Oh, but it gets better. The administration is also so confident this will pass, they are also asking the council to approve the construction contract, admend the capital program and approve easements just a few minutes after the contract is approved. They couldn’t even give the council a week to review those documents after approval.

Just goes to show just how big of a scam this is, they have to ramrod it through ASAP.

3 Thoughts on “Is Mayor Ramrod putting the cart in front of the horse?

  1. It is as if government no longer works at all levels, or least not for the people. Whether it be the “House of Lords Legislature” thumbing their nose at IM22, our US Congress attempting to change health care laws without any legitimate committee hearings, or the presumptive attitude of our City fathers when it comes to their handling of an economic development project, we must truly ask if we have become nothing more than the world’s biggest example of a banana republic?…….:

  2. The D@ily Spin on December 1, 2017 at 10:32 pm said:

    And the 6 on the council are those with expensive clothes and luxury cars. This will happen. Watch the mayor not even bother to show. The next mayor will have to explain the half billion in debt. At some point city finance must report the city is broke.

  3. The D@ily Spin on December 2, 2017 at 11:51 am said:

    What comes first, the chicken or the egg? This same con occurred for the EC. Utilities and Russell Avenue expansion happened such that it was necessary to build the EC.

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