SIRE is the software agenda management program the city council uses to manage it’s meetings documents and videos. Some of us from the public have long argued it hasn’t worked properly, in fact in this presentation they will make today at the informational (DOC: SIRE-ONBASE) they admit that it really hasn’t been upgraded in 5 years and really didn’t work that well before that. In fact the last person who tried to get it working properly was terminated.

We kept asking the same question? Why? As you see from the figures, it really doesn’t cost that much more to upgrade the software. So why was there a delay? And why now with a new mayor and council they are finally upgrading the system?

See, that’s the stickler here. While the city council has supposed control of their staff, and I know for a fact several past and present councilors have asked the software gets upgraded, somehow the council got trumped by the mayor’s central services department.

While some would say that our council wasn’t held hostage the past 8 years by a power hungry mayor, I beg to differ. His uncontrollable desire to control information is why the IT department virtually ignored the problems with SIRE.

Hopefully the council and new mayor won’t just stop at upgrading SIRE but fixing the entire website. Let’s move ‘Fast & Furious’ on this on to!

4 Thoughts on “Who was holding SIRE hostage for the past 5 years?

  1. D@ily Spin on June 5, 2018 at 10:02 am said:

    I don’t think SIRE was intended to work. Huether used it to hide behind. When someone got it working, they got fired. I do believe this mayor will fix it. One thing I’ve noticed about TenHaken is he doesn’t have the ego Huether filled the city with.

  2. Can’t the tech savvy boys assign a “Leaderhip Team” to this problem?…. I am sure there is something in their “tool bag,” which could address it….

  3. There was a presentation on an upgrade during the 4PM informational meeting. Nice presentation from Tom Greco(sp?) and co about how they want to upgrade the agenda software and how much more useful their new upgrade will be.

  4. Warren Phear on June 5, 2018 at 10:48 pm said:

    Hey paulson. Great to have you on board, but where the hell have you been for the last eight years? Greco? Are you kidding me? He is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. No new admin will ever change that.

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