He vs Him in Haiku
He has billboards, Him had billboards
He billboards no message, Him billboards no message
He wishes to be Him
He is always in crisis, Him dove into crisis
He is a solitary runner, Him must have audience
He stumbles in crisis, Him had press conferences
He has a garage man cave, Him has a swamp house
He wants to play with kids, Him is not kidding
He plans like a child, Him never a child
He works hard to look cool, Him never changed look
He is blinded by the limelight, Him uses limelight to get a tan.
He is a stagehand, Him is the speaker
He is a poser, Him strikes a pose
He wants to be everyone’s friend, Him has no friends
He gives vacation in crisis, Him pushes staff to collapse
He giveth, Him taketh
He wants to be new age, Him wants to be ageless
He wants power, Him assumes he is powerful
He wimps, Him a bully
He seeks advice from higher, Him thinks nothing higher
Him believes in a higher, Him gives the higher advice
He cowers on his knees, Him holds a whip
He believes, Him wants to be believed
He stares at the future, Him wants to be the future
He hides from decisions, Him thinks his decisions are perfect
He tries to look perfect, Him believes he is perfect
He plays with his hair, Him has hair of iron
He is played, Him is a player
Him is leaderless, He is unwanted leader
He dreams of being a leader, Him kicks the leader
He thinks he is Godly, Him plays God
Haikus have 3 (three) lines and 17 (seventeen) syllables.
Wow, it took over 12 hours for an armchair editor to pipe up. Thanks.
I learned the structure of Haikus in grade school (Lowell) 57 years ago.
These must be some of those new fangled Common Core haikus?
He holds a parade, Him vacillates like a windblown Macy’s balloon.
( and Woodstock adds: “Unstable Genius, I mean ‘NIQFNR’ likes to practice intellectual chauvinism in an attempt to intimidate and destroy”…. “But that’s because he can’t deal with facts”….)
The real question is who can we find to run against him in 2022? One minute he is saying shut the city down, the next let us all get outside and run 100 miles….
Damn that was bad. Lay off the pipe.
Comparing TenHaken to Huether? Gives Huether to much credit.
He bought into this. Him caused this
can we get back to
crying nazi
over your burger joint closing
Is this suppose to convey He has TenHaken and Him has Huether!?
My God that was terrible. How much time did you waste creating that? If you spent over an hour on that you might fall into the category of spiteful stalker.