UPDATE on Brockhouse Animal meeting
Mike Zitterich attended the meeting and sent me these notes.
Erica Beck opens meeting at 8:02 AM she commented on the fact:
1) this will be a 2, 3, maybe 4 meeting committee;
2) She has referred to it as a very serious meeting, discussing a city asset,
3) She portrayed this first meeting as strictly a INFORMATIONAL Meeting designed for members to gain information, with perhaps opening up one of the meetings in the future for Public Comment,
There is NO agreement between by the Brockhouse Family and the City of SFS, The “Agreement” to gift the Animals to the City was strictly between City and C.J Delbridge, and that the ZOO has been in contact with several members of the Delbridge Daughters in recent weeks to go over gifting agreements, and terms.
Alex Jenson wants a full “appraisal” delivered to City Council that includes both costs to Refine, Refurbish, Plus the costs to Upgrade the Building. Richard Merkouris asked some great questions his concerns are what are the visitor/traffic to the ZOO, to the Museum over the past 10 years, any drop, or increase to one or the other,
The leading concern is the profitability of the ZOO, in an attempt to increase membership, traffic, and $$$ to draw enough income to maintain, operate, and afford the bills of the Great Plains ZOO.
Jeff Scherschligt, gave a brief history of himself being one of the oldest members who remembers going to the West Sioux Hardware to see the animals, portraying Mr. Brockhouse as someone who had a vision to bring potential customers to his store, off the highway, promote his business, but most importantly, to provide to the travelers, the means to view, and see Animals that may or may not exist anymore, he had a passion for displaying Wildlife,
Jeff goes on to comment, the visitor traffic to the museum may be done, mainly cause kids today, families today have so much more to do than go to the ZOO, they have other public places to go today that the ZOO, or the Museum is no longer the “lead” entertainment thing to do today, TIMES have changed,
Becky Dewitz expressed that the Arsenic/rough estimate of the conditions were not a firm estimate, but a quick, fast assessment to provide the City and Council an informational meeting, the assessors came in did a quick review, and understanding, have gave a high and low estimate of their damages etc,
Jeff Scherchlit went on to comment that one could almost add 40% based on inflation, but he meant that in a jokingly manner, but honestly explaining the economic hardships we are experiencing today…
City Attorney OFfice elaborated on the FEderal Laws that limit the city to transfer assets instate, let alone, anyone who takes on the asset, would be doing so on basically on LOAN, and the city maintains ownership rights, but the loanee takes on the liability costs, and responsibilities while in their possession…
There was NOT a lot of talk related to arsenic, that will come later..
THis appears to be more of an Informational to meet and greet each other and provide a basic understanding of the Delbridge Museum.
Richard Merkouris wants data on the effects of, and costs of is it a worthwhile investment value in spending $4,000,000 to update, and repair the building, compared to is there any talk of Schools, People, Businesses wanting to utilize the services of the Museum itself today, versus yesterday.
There was talk comparing other museums, if they have experienced these same issues related to age, wear, and arsenic issues…Many of which are more than 80 to 100 years old in many museums…
Becky Dewitz mentions that much of the damages to the animals are caused by repeated touching, nothing they can do, kids will always touch, but the ZOO has no means of paying for, and placing GLASS in between the animal and visitors today…
THe ZOO says, if they were forced to pay for the Updates to Museum, they would have to fundraise, so the CITY would have to pay for the overall costs.
There was some talk, raised by Richard Merkouris about changing state law to provide the city an avenue to easily deal with the trading of assets, but City Attorney says, yes, you could change state law, but remember, the law would not effectively change until July 1, 2025 so you’re still looking at more than 1 year out….to explore changes in law.
In attendance was: Mike Zitterich, Jason Haack (recording), Ms. Brockhouse, and Robert Kolbe, and the Media – Dakota News Now, KELO, ARGUS, Dakota Scout–
Jason Haack did express during a brief public comment, Erica did allow for some of the public to ask questions – Jason expressed to the committee that he is a licensed taxidermist, and would be willing to repair animals for free, no cost to city, Erica Beck thanked him for his offer….afterwards the two engaged in civil discussion, where Jason further discusses his offer, Erica Beck politely expressed the Mayor’s response was that at this time, he is not interested in his offer, but thanks him for his effort.