
Extended vehicle ordinance

I’m not a big fan of extra laws and rules, but recently I have had several friends who work DT and customers comment on the imbeciles who think then need to park their air-craft carrier trucks on Phillips avenue.

Many have suggested there should be a city ordinance against it and a ticket issued. I think common sense would solve the problem, I guess if these people had some they wouldn’t park this way. They would choose a side street or a parking ramp. And why would someone use this as a personal form of transportation anyway? I have never seen a grubby contractor get out of one of these vehicles DT.

My biggest concern is if there was an emergency DT and a firetruck had to navigate around one of these monstrosities. I have almost hit the rear end of one these ‘trucks’.

Which poses another question. If you don’t see one of these trucks hanging out into the street and you hit it, whose fault is it?

Just some pondering.

But seriously, park somewhere else.

Why did Automania ditch Sioux Falls?

Rat Fink, we are headed for Brandon

There is probably several reasons why Automania decided to leave SF to go the Weirdsville, but you gotta love the excuse they are ‘telling’ people;

The annual show draws 50,000 to 70,000 people each year. This year’s event is scheduled for June 28-30.

Automania chairman Bill Nelson says the move is simply about space and logistics. He says the number of spectators made it hard to find enough space and parking in downtown Sioux Falls.

Yet 50,000 found a place to park each year. Sure, Bill. The ‘rumor’ on the street is that Brandon gave Automania an ‘in$entive’ to relocate while DTSF would not. If anyone could verify that, I would appreciate it. I suspect Automania will return to SF the following year after attendees find out how much fun Weirdsville’s cops are to deal with.

Come check out Rocco’s car at Automania tonight!

This is Jesse’s (Blues Bashers guitarist) 1970 Dodge Coronet RT 440. It is similiar to the Super Bee, without the wing in back. They are kind of rare. He bought the car about 12 years ago here in SD and took the motor apart about 8 years ago to get more horsepower (it’s up to about 475 – yeah – not a green machine, about 14 mph). He finally got it back together and running last week.

He jokes that it didn’t run during most of the Bush Administration . . .  which is a good thing.

Monster Trucks Kill Two In Span Of One Week

Grave Digger
Literally A Grave Digger

A monster truck show promoter, who days earlier touted his event’s safety record, died after being crushed by one of the trucks during a show in Madison, Wisconsin, Saturday night.

George Eisenhart’s death was the second fatality at a monster truck event in just over a week.

“Saturday’s incident, which is an uncommon occurrence, … was a freak accident,” Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney said Sunday.

“Review of the incident shows that George [Eisenhart] accidentally stepped in front of a moving vehicle in a fashion that did not provide the vehicle’s driver adequate time to react,” said a statement from the Monster Truck Racing Association. “All of us at the MTRA send our deepest condolences to the Eisenhart family and all the parties involved. We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend.”

Eisenhart, 41, died eight days after a 6-year-old boy was killed by flying debris at a monster truck show in Tacoma, Washington. The shows were staged by different promoters.

Ironically, Eisenhart talked about the safety of his shows, put on by Monster Truck Nationals, in an interview with a Madison television station before the weekend event.

“This is our 16th year,” Eisenhart told CNN affiliate WKOW. “I wish I had a big piece of wood to knock on right now, but we have not had an incident besides a gal slipping in the aisleway at another location.”

How long until the nanny staters go after these so called “Monster” Trucks?