As you can see from the label, it already says ‘Plant-Based’. It’s actually a selling point to people who don’t want to eat meat, but Dusty doesn’t think it is enough;

Representative Dusty Johnson is co-sponsoring a bill aimed at labeling plant-based beef as “imitation” meat.

The Real Meat Act proposed that beef not made from cows, be labeled “imitation” before or after the name of on the front package.

In a statement, Rep. Johnson says, “a plant-based creation isn’t the same as South Dakota beef. It’s a benefit of consumers and producers alike when folks have a better understanding of where their food comes.”

I’m wondering when Congress is going to finally pass and implement country of origin labeling and make it stick for beef? (It was passed in 2013 and repealed in 2015/16). If COOL was still in effect it would have a HUGE impact on sales of SD Beef (they would sell MORE), but Dusty seems to be concerned that people that are eating plants shaped like burgers are being duped.


I propose we start labeling our lone representative in DC as an ‘Imitation’ Congressman.

There is a story in the Argus today (I can’t read it because it is for subscribers) but the headline suggests that Rounds may not run for re-election due to his wife’s illness.

I have felt for awhile that he would NOT run anyway, even before his wife was diagnosed. I have heard from several Republican insiders that he doesn’t like Washington so much, and secondly, six years is a long term.

I have been suggesting for awhile that he will choose NOT to run and Dusty Johnson will run for the seat. This is the gossip going around, and one of the reasons he is so upset with Borglum.

As for money raised, both Rounds and Johnson can easily move those funds.

So who would run for Congress on the Republican side? I think it is Paul TenHaken, who I don’t think has the appetite for another term as Mayor.

I think this will open it up for a special election (if TenHaken wins) for Sioux Falls Mayor, which we will see Huether return, but I could also see other opportunists like Greg Neitzert looking at running.

This of course is all speculation, and just some early predictions.

In the Trumpist sphere, I agree with a letter writer Cory Heidelberg scrounged up. I have been thinking for awhile that the reason Romney is supporting impeachment is so he can be the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2020. Think about it, he has ran before, he has name recognition, and he is a moderate (more like a corporatist). He will still lose, once a loser always a loser. I’m still on the fence whether or not the Senate will kick the bum out of office, but that political circus changes by the day. If the polling is 55% or higher with American support for resignation, the Senate will remove him. Guaranteed. And our Nightmare maybe finally over with . . . for awhile anyway.

When I talk to people about impeachment and why I support it, I keep the answer short and to the point;

‘The president violated his constitutional authority and admitted to it on live television. With circumstances like that, if Congress doesn’t act, they are not upholding their constitutional authority if they choose not to impeach.’

JFK said it best, ‘. . . we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard,’

It’s time for Congress to do the ‘hard’ thing no matter how taxing or messy it can be and impeach the president of the United States for violating his oath of office.