We checked on Michelle Lavallee’s voter registration to see if she recently changed it, but in past tense she is showing up as a Republican and has a very poor voting record.

I also found it interesting that Billie would pick a person who co-chaired Paul TenHaken’s mayoral campaign. While tapping a Sioux Falls Woman with savvy in running a campaign within Sioux Falls is a good idea, Billie really needed to tap a Democrat (you know, the party you are running in). I saw Heidepriem make this mistake when he did the same thing.

Why is it when Democrats run for statewide offices in South Dakota they think they can win as ‘Republican Light’? Either just run as a Republican/Democrat or not at all. This STRATEGY has NEVER worked, and I have no idea why the SD Democratic Party keeps playing this card time and time again.

Is it too early to congratulate Governor Noem on her win?

Deputy COS T.J. Nelson is running in Precinct 309 and City Councilor Greg Neitzert is running in Precinct 317 for Committee people in the Republican Party.

While the waters have already been tested by Erickson and Staggers for councilors as committee people (the ethics commission said it was OK because they are volunteer positions) that question has never been asked about appointed city employees who work for a non-partisan mayor.

While I don’t take issue with T.J. being a proud Republican party member, I wonder if he is testing the waters on this?

If I sat on the Ethics Commission I would probably OK it, but the optics of it don’t look good when your boss has promised to be a non-partisan mayor in the campaign. I’m wondering if T.J. asked an opinion of the Ethics Commission or the city attorney?

What do you think?

It seems T.J.’s name is coming up a lot as a partisan, I think this will hurt Paul in the long run.

So the latest poll is out. Guess what? Mr. Scandal and do nothing Snow queen government subsidy are neck and neck. Why? Because they both have a slobbering horse greasy ‘R’ behind their names and Republicans are freaking out. It’s like the poster my step dad posted to our rusted out frig one day that had a cartoon rooster on it saying, “I’m so confused I don’t know which way to point my pecker.”

You mean in the primary I can’t vote AGAINST an evil abortion loving Democrat?! What gives? Now they have to make a decision between two Republicans and it’s the most difficult decision in their lives.

Can’t we just flip a coin?

Maybe we can have Trump decide?

Either way we won’t get a respectable candidate. That’s ok, in November just vote Sutton.

Thanks for your litter Shantel

Well, I have known for a long time that SOS Shantel Krebs has no clue how to run her office, except she did it better than that last guy and his knuckle-head friend. Yeah, I know, that bar wasn’t real high.

But I would think Shantel and her campaign crew would know it is pointless to leave lit in the door of a registered Independent (over a decade – and never a Republican).

If Tapio or Johnson did this, I wouldn’t have blinked an eye, BUT THE SECRETARY OF THE STATE!

Shantel best find a new source for a clean list besides her front drawer. Hilarious.

Shantel, I know a guy, but he charges a pretty penny.