The Sioux Falls City Council giveth and the council taketh away

First the city council is proposing an ordinance to eliminate permit fees when repairing city owned sidewalks (they really should be paying for the whole repair) Item #35. I had overheard Councilor Spellerberg question planning why we are charging a permit fee for repairing city owned property about a month ago. I told Councilor Barranco they should write and ordinance waving the fee, and they did. Good job, and it didn’t take a year like the bike ordinance.

Then they are still hung up on putting fence posts in the ground (Item #36);

A fence post must be secured below ground level in all residential zoning districts.

This ordinance came about for a good reason, people seem to think putting fence posts in 5 gallon pails is a good idea, it is NOT. So why not write and ordinance that stops people from doing this specific thing? As I have said before, there are many ways to secure a fence post besides putting it in the ground.

When a community has a zoning issue, you target the ISSUE not do a whole different ordinance that will affect thousands of homeowers and has very little to do with the problem. Maybe they will amend it Tuesday night, but like most new councilors that propose new ordinances they will just push it thru without actually researching the issue and talking to professionals in the field.

Is Sioux Falls Parks and Rec offering FREE camping in the parks now?

I took this pic about 11 AM this morning between Cherry Rock park and Rotary park. Someone peeked their head out as I was riding away.

I just shook my head a few weeks ago when some talking heads with the city said that the transient/nuance problem downtown is getting better. Really? Maybe during the day, but when I ride at night, I have never seen that many different groups. I did a headcount last week and it averages about 15 individuals I see camped out after dark each night in about 6 different areas downtown. Not all are sleeping but most have their camp setup and ready for the night. I have also seen many camps along the bike trail underneath picnic shelters. I’m not sure who is providing the messaging folks data or what they are being communicated, but the problem has gotten progressively worse since June. Not sure what the solution is, but lying to the public about it and ignoring the problem isn’t a solution either.

Who on earth suggested that Jaunt bikes be parked next to bike racks downtown Sioux Falls?

When the Jaunt rental bikes showed up downtown I liked they were just randomly parked in places. They have a GPS tracker on them and an alarm system so they don’t have to be locked up anywhere. In other words, they don’t need to be parked by a bike rack. Not sure who suggested to Jaunt, because I am sure it was NOT their idea, that they now park the bikes by bike racks. First off, the obvious, this makes the bikes appear to be privately owned and locked to a rack and NOT available for rent, secondly, those bike racks are for people locking up their personal bikes, and since bike racks are in very short supply in this town, I am getting tired of moving beeping bikes to lock up my bike. MOVE THEM AWAY FROM THE RACKS AND DON’T LET SOME IDIOT BUREAUCRAT TELL YOU HOW TO RUN YOUR BUSINESS.

I had some friends tell me recently they wanted to try out an E-Bike before buying one, so they rented the Jaunts today and rode them the entire trail and said they worked great and they are going to go buy some e-bikes of their own.