5 Thoughts on “Wish I could attend . . .

  1. He came to Minneapolis a couple of years ago and I regret not going (when I lived there). Now he’s coming to SD and it’s all the way in Pierre!!?? Blah!

  2. Beer Jew on September 23, 2012 at 10:19 am said:

    Good for Pierre. Rollins is “safe” enough to connect with just about any audience. It’s probably what the kids need to hear in that desolate area; that they aren’t alone and there are others just like them everywhere. Anyone that’s remotely “different” in Pierre (or central SD, or the res, etc) is likely to have a miserable life. A perfect way to settle teen angst where the suicide rate is high.

  3. Beer Jew on September 23, 2012 at 10:26 am said:

    I think it’s cool he is visiting the state capitols as well. Places like St Paul, Austin, and Olympia have sizable scenes.
    Outisde of a kid having a Green Day T-shirt, some of the places like Bismarck, Carson City, Cheyenne, and the aforementioned Pierre are as close as some of these places will ever come to anything punk.

  4. I hope he kicks out a few Black Flag jams.

  5. His performance here a few years ago really impressed me. I wasn’t sure what to expect since he’s been at this for years, but he still gives these things his all. Even when booked at a high school in Brandon.

    Heck of a work ethic.

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