Remember only a few short months ago before the city election when the Public Works department and Mayor’s office were in maximum B.S. mode? I know, hard to keep track.

We were essentially told that water rates had to increase because they were a separate ‘enterprise fund’ and the fees you pay towards water and sewer went directly towards fixing water and sewer. They also told us in that same breath that ‘they could’ use CIP money (2nd penny) for upgrades to water and sewer, but didn’t because of the enterprise fund.

Now comes along Item #55 in the Sioux Falls City council agenda for Tuesday night (click on item then click on the PDF in the upper right corner). Seems the Water department and the Streets department are having a regular old poker game with our money, and chips are going all over the place. So how is it we can give road money to the Water department and Water money to the roads? I thought they came out of separate funds?

Once again more hyperbole fed to us before an election. At least we didn’t end up with another $180 million dollar white elephant this time.

One Thought on “Busted! City’s intermingling of CIP and Enterprise fund money

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 20, 2016 at 6:22 pm said:

    More Ponzi pyramid scheme. Borrow from water to pay for roads and make it look like extra funds. Then, add the extra to unpaid contractor invoices and propose another luxury entertainment facility. It’s a credit card government that pays the minimum while the balance keeps rising.

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