4 Thoughts on “Don’t look under the bed

  1. Considering revised revenue projections, the Mayor’s CIP plan is irresponsible and unrealistic. The city cannot maintain its current level of spending.

    For Huether to submit the same plan he would have if revenues hadn’t gone down, with no cuts, is short-sighted, inappropriate, and nonsensical.

    I’m guessing his plan is to force the council to make cuts so he can blame them if there are any complaints about any projects that aren’t completed.

    Former Mayors Hansen and Munson weren’t perfect, but when finances were tight, they cut the budget. They made their directors tighten their belts. They didn’t go to the council with the largest capital budget request in history.

    Show some fiduciary responsibility.

  2. I know it’s a small sample, but I hope the Council looks at the Argus leader poll where over 70% of people think huether is trying to spend too much money.

    And that number probably includes a number of city employees skewing the poll in their favor, so the actual voter number in favor of a smaller budget is likely higher.

  3. Karma on June 29, 2016 at 2:54 pm said:

    Well said Sheeple – passing the buck and making others make the tough decisions. Well played by the Mayor. Unfortunately – with the desire to run for Governor of a conservative state – the rest of the state and at least half of SF, (per the last mayoral election), will not respond to this budget favorably. This plan may work for his agenda now – but in the long haul – it may very well backfire.

  4. The D@ily Spin on June 29, 2016 at 6:28 pm said:

    A city with a proposed luxury hotel, subsidized tennis, new public baths, and a dome coliseum. Caesar has kept the wealthy happy. Soon, it’s time for the Trump card when the city goes into insolvency.

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