I apologize that I failed my South DaCola readers for not catching on to this before the general election, but someone knocked me upside the head about it last night. It seems that most of Huether’s in-kind support, came from Mike himself.

But first with the fun stuff I like to nitpick. While I have been a strong advocate for unions and the EFCA, I found it very, very, odd they would give Huether money;

This is a guy who probably never worked a union job in his life, a guy who climbed the corporate ladder all by his lonesome, a guy who probably developed strategies to solicit credit cards to working class people who couldn’t afford them, and as far as I can tell, never helped the employees of First Premier Bankcard form a union. Maybe Sy is right, the unions really do have their heads in their asses.

I also found it interesting that ‘Mr. I’m getting screwed over by the city.’ had all kinds of money to hand out to mayoral candidates, and Mike couldn’t resist the salt-lick.

That’s gonna cost yah, Mike.

But let’s move on to the big stuff, first the summary (NOTE: I have edited these images for spacing reasons)

Does it seem too weird? I mean, he got good direct contributions and his In-Kind is over the top, until you see who his major In-Kind supporter is;

(I edited out contributors who were not Mike, which only amount to $1,558.07)

That’s right kiddies out of the $53,022.67 dollars in In-kind contributions, $51,464.60 of it came right out of Mike’s pocket. Talk about personal aspirations.

I could say a multitude of things about this, but talk amongst yourselves (in the comments area of course).

14 Thoughts on “Who was financially supporting Huether in the general election? Mike Huether.

  1. Costner on April 14, 2010 at 12:35 pm said:

    I have no problem with someone putting their own money where their mouth is. Actually I prefer it – this way he will feel the need to be more loyal to himself as opposed to being loyal to some business leaders or developers.

    Although it does beg the question how he plans to pay himself back. Surely if he is a good businessman he has planned for a way to recoup his investment. The mayoral salary is one thing, but is he just doing this to make a name for himself so he can eventually move on to higher political office?

    I’m guessing Mike could care less about the money – that seems clear.

    However, didn’t Staggers give his campaign a $30,000 loan or something like that? The way I see it, if a person believes in themselves enough to spend their own money on a campaign, that says a lot more than someone who is just really good at cashing $1000 checks from their country club buddies *ahmem* Costello *ahem*.

  2. l3wis on April 14, 2010 at 1:25 pm said:

    Kermit ‘loaned’ himself 29,500 he did not ‘give’ it to himself. There is a difference.

    Kermit lists it as a loan and Mike lists it as ‘in kind’ in other words he does not intend to pay himself back.

    I will agree with you though, anybody willing to put up their own money to become mayor is a good thing, and both of these guys have been very careful about who they will let give to them.

    Will have to see where the donations come from over the next two weeks, it will be interesting to see if Mike turns down the Costello donor list.

  3. Plaintiff Guy on April 14, 2010 at 1:55 pm said:

    I have new respect for Mike Huether. He’s not been bought by special interests. However, that could change in the next 2 weeks.

  4. Of course the Unions have their heads up their asses, however we all need to be aware that they are also looking to get their heads up everyone’s ass as well. The key is to tell them to get fuct, as once they are dug in they are nearly impossible to remove.

    Like you pointed out Huether’s a nice guy, hard worker and all, but the only reason the Unions gave to him was because of his party. You know that donation wasn’t string free.

    It would be worth examining Huether’s position on Unions, did he have anything on record during the campaign when the City was negotiating with their Unions?

    BTW L3wis, were you invited to Kermit’s 2pm strategery powow?

  5. It would be worth examining Huether’s position on Unions, did he have anything on record during the campaign when the City was negotiating with their Unions?

    I don’t think you would ave to be a rocket scientist to know that Mike would be better for city employees than Kermit!

  6. l3wis on April 14, 2010 at 7:48 pm said:

    “BTW L3wis, were you invited to Kermit’s 2pm strategery powow?”

    No. I don’t go to those things. I usually advise Kermit privately. I don’t like donuts so I am not much use at meetings.

    I’m sure Mike got Union money because he is a Dem, and I am sure that is something Hildy swung for him.

  7. CCFlyer on April 14, 2010 at 8:20 pm said:

    Hmmm. I wonder what Kermit or Mike would think about doing something like this to build a new Howard Wood Field 😉


    I know its a different subject than this, but in all honesty, if you were running for mayor, and had a good amount of money to give yourself towards your campaign, wouldn’t you do it? That’s I guess why I don’t really see a problem with either Kermit or Mike giving themselves money like they both did.

  8. scott on April 15, 2010 at 5:21 am said:

    i work at a union business here in town. heuther came to our work place telling us he was good friends with the director of the place. the director is NOT a well liked person. that automatically turned a majority of the union workforce against heuther. a lot of union members were also mad that the union was calling and sending out letters endorsing huether. a lot more of them will be mad to learn that the teamsters gave him $2500 as well. heuther may have the support of the teamsters leadership, but he doesn’t have the support of the rank and file.

  9. l3wis on April 15, 2010 at 5:25 am said:


    Thank you for clarification. I wondered about this. I also know a lot of Republican union members in Sioux Falls. The union leadership really needs to reach out to all parties, not just to Dems.

  10. It’s funny to watch Huether on TV. He’s really a amatuer at acting although that’s what he’s doing. Sad that there are people who fall for that and don’t pick up the bad vibe but I think he will do himself in.. Kermit needs to just keep a positive campaign. Huether will self distruct on his own and go back to his fractional reserve inflation banking systems.

  11. I talked to a Republican friend tonight who had no idea that Mike was a Democrat, I changed his vote. While I lean left a lot, I’m not a party person, I am a person of principles. The Dems used to be about social justice, the first amendment, and peace. Now they are just a bunch of monkeys fucking a football. They watered down the healthcare bill to get the GOP on board, and none of them voted for it. Why not go back to the original plan then, the public option. What a bunch of pussies.

    Both parties suck dog doo-doo. Vote with your brain.

  12. BIG WRIG on April 20, 2010 at 5:56 pm said:


  13. l3wis on April 20, 2010 at 6:39 pm said:

    Who is looser? Mike? Kermit or your mom?

  14. Pingback: Why are Unions supporting Huether? « Not 'My Man Mike'

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