I was thinking about this the other day while driving to work as I passed numerous signs that were advertising specials on ‘Flu Shots’.

Why not have an alcohol shot called ‘Flu Shot’ (Scott L. Ehrisman (c))? I envision it looking like mucous and going down the same way.

Any mixture ideas? (Kind of a play on ‘The Cement Mixer’)


5 Thoughts on “OPEN THREAD • Shot Ideas?

  1. I found this at drinknation.com

    1 part Bitters, Angostura
    8 parts Carbonated Water/Club Soda
    Mixing Instructions
    Add all ingredients into a shaker over ice. Stir, do not shake, and pour into shot glasses.

  2. Bill Dithmer on November 8, 2010 at 5:54 pm said:

    Ya that would be two parts creme de menthe, one part heavy cream and one part Irish whiskey.

  3. It is an actual drink?

  4. Yes, it’s called Flu Shot.

  5. 1 part F-ull Throttle
    1 part L-ieutenant Dan Rum
    1 part U-V Vodka

    Kinda like the real one you might get sick first but it won’t be as bad as the actual flu.

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