5 Thoughts on “RIP McGovern

  1. Pathloss on October 26, 2012 at 9:42 am said:

    I’m independent & vote my conscience. It would be nice to see more democrats in office. McGovern was a people’s politician. He was uncorrupted and represented the common man. He was good friends with my grandfather. He signed one of his books for me.

  2. It is amazing how Americans have been making bad choices for president since the late 60’s. Maybe one of these days we will wake up.

  3. Shelly on October 27, 2012 at 7:32 pm said:

    My grandmother had that bumpersticker on her car.

  4. steve hildebrand’s place should have a breakfast sandwich called the “egg mcgovern”.

  5. And make sure there is a ‘liberal’ amount of Hollandaise on it.

    Don’t know why I thought of this, but anytime I hear this song I always sing it, “Hollandaise, on my eggs . . .Can I get some Hollandaise on my eggs?”


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