That’s nothing. While the steel roof is supposed to last for 40-60 years*, what do you think new plumbing should last? Remember, the Pavilion was almost completely gutted, all of this plumbing would/should be new(er). $228K to upgrade 16 year old plumbing? (Sioux Falls City Council Consent Agenda) I wonder if the same contractor boondoggle is going on over at the EC? How many ‘upgrades’ will we need on that site in 16 years?


*A steel roofing specialist told me that it probably wasn’t the roof that needed to be replaced, but the lining underneath was probably not properly installed and that is what caused the leaks. As I told someone the other day about the Cinedome roof and the EC siding, construction problems are kind of like skin cancer, it’s not the little spots on the outside that are visible that should concern you, it is what is underneath.

14 Thoughts on “Think the Pavilion Cinedome roof replacement was costly?

  1. 85th stuckee on July 7, 2014 at 9:17 pm said:

    The city over the years has done a lousy job on contract writing to protect the tax payer.mmm has brought it to the next level with help of people like Schmitt and cooper and our favorite fiddle faddle. Just like the ec there should have been design docs with proper install instructions to mfg recommendations and have a damn inspector watching the installs and notifying the engineers and architects of issues right away
    Most commercial jobs have inspectors All we get are consultants

  2. Lemming on July 8, 2014 at 12:26 am said:

    The Pavilion? Other than being a taxpayer money pit, WTH happened to this place? I don’t want to see the Nutcracker anymore? How about a concert? With a real band? This place is not even a blip on the radar anymore

  3. Same here, Lemming. I haven’t been there in years. In fact, I only need one hand to count the shows I’ve seen there – Violent Femmes, George Carlin, Elvis Costello, Wilco, and Lewis Black. I hate musicals; I hate traditional Christmas shows. I have nothing against those who do enjoy that stuff, but there should be additional bookings other than the same stuff they do every single year. Do people really still go see Lori Line?

  4. 85th stuckee on July 8, 2014 at 8:50 pm said:

    Reading comments on some of the other posts, I thought we had a big engineering staff with qualified engineers. Are these city employees for real or fictitious employees for MMM to keep sweeping funds. If this staff cannot design, maintain or modify this roof or the plumbing without screwing it up then what the hell can they do right(or are they stuffed in the barrel and told not to say a damn thing) Pretty scary for us all that the real issue is that MMM swept funds keeps sweeping funds, mob bossed the city employees and just had to have a big metal turd attached to the arena. Great job MMM keep it up, can’t wait to see what is next in store for us. Blame someone else if you want, but you are the captain of a sinking ship right now. A clown

  5. scott on July 9, 2014 at 6:22 am said:

    when we were told we “needed” the event center the city cried that we were losing shows to sioux city. where is the public outcry now that we are losing shows that could play the pavillion to the big tin shed in brookings and the orpheum in sioux city?

  6. Dan Daily on July 9, 2014 at 9:33 am said:

    There is a bright side. When there’s a bumper crop year, the pavillion and EC will become repurposed storage.

  7. We’ve always lost potential Pavilion shows to Sioux City because they’re not afraid to book shows that are “fun”.

  8. scott on July 9, 2014 at 9:04 pm said:

    maybe co-ceo scott peterson could do what they did at lodgenet to make money. show porn.

  9. 85th stuckee on July 10, 2014 at 9:49 pm said:

    install some of them poles for the dancers and I think we could have the makings of a real Deadwood kiosk right in the leaky room. I still say a Walmart Market would fill the rest of the place. I used to really like going there, a friend of mine even had his memorial service in the Great Hall. So sad how many people who we thought had intelligence are a bunch of goofs, kind of like finding out Larson embezzled all that money and he was a nice guy. Maybe our MMM has something in common with him.

  10. hmr59 on July 10, 2014 at 10:31 pm said:

    You’re right, Scott. I went to shows featuring Robert Cray, Widespread Panic, Lyle Lovett, and jazz great Billy Taylor in the past – lately, they haven’t had anything I really want to see. I was floored that Jazzfest grabbed Gov’t Mule and Gary Clark, Jr. – after last year’s Sheryl Crow debacle (well, for people who appreciate GOOD music…), I had given up hope. I thank (insert deity of your choice) for The District – they are at least bringing in somewhat of a variety of acts. Saw Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers there (great show, BTW, for all of you that didn’t show up) and am planning to hit The Cult show early next month. Hey, WashPav, you’ve got a world-class venue in your hands – how about expanding your idea of entertainment juuuuuuuust a lil’ bit?? Kthanx…

  11. Rob Coro on July 11, 2014 at 10:34 am said:

    Instead of posting on a blog, why don’t all of you that have issue with what the Pavilion shows, say something about it to someone who can actually do something. The reason why the Pavilion has the shows it does, is because they sell! If no one went to the shows, they wouldn’t be there. Everyone will not be happy with what is brought to a venue. yes there should be more across the board shows and concerts, but the Pavilion will bring shows for the people that support them. Corporations around town have no problem putting there name on the Nutcracker and Jersey Boys and everything else that comes there. When the Pavilion tries a risky show, Spank!, no one wanted to get behind it. Its a South Dakota thing. Yet the show was very successful. You want more things that appease what you want, then do something about it and get a group of people to petition the Pavilion to bring in more cutting edge, or bigger names. Unfortunately nothing will happen if you just complain on a blog.

  12. Dan Daily on July 12, 2014 at 7:42 am said:

    We need the Pavilion. It’s another famous city failure and useful landmark. How can we give directions to anywhere without using these for a start point. We’re getting close to having enough debacles such that the entire budget will be devoted to maintenance and debt service. Wasn’t this the plan?

  13. Rob, nobody’s saying that they shouldn’t book what they book. We’re saying this should ALSO book other stuff. The Pavilion knows about our complaints. Unfortunately, it’s another venue in this town run by people who know nothing about music. With the downturn of the music industry, venues this size are becoming the dominant force. It’s all about the niches, but the Pavilion is only satisfying one niche.

  14. scott on July 12, 2014 at 9:22 pm said:

    you can’t book weddings at the Pavillion if you book bands there on the weekend. That would cut into the city’s wedding business.

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