Washington Pavilion

Lally Cooler is gonna Lally Cost Yah

So with only announcing the headliners and NO opening acts, the Pavilion is attempting to sell tickets to an event no one knows much about;

I often assumed that the event was going to be FREE like JazzFest or at a greatly reduced price. If you would have opened it to the masses you would have made up the entry fees in beer money. Also, this is supposed to be some kind of anniversary celebration for the Pavilion, and after heisting millions from taxpayers over the years in taxes and subsidies you would think they would put on a backyard party for us for FREE. But that is not how it works at the WashSnotty Pavilion, we can only reward those who supported us, you know, families that can afford to drop $1,000 a night watching a Broadway Musical. Can’t wait to hear what they charge for a 12oz. Monday Light? I wonder if the Pavilion will have ‘Event Funding’ so you can pay for your beer and ticket with monthly payments? Just don’t take the bike trail to the event, you will end up in the river 🙁

Councilor Soehl the defender of parking!

Curtist the Blurtist is at it again, defending parking. Yesterday during the informational where the city turned a regular old ice rink into a $16 Million Dollar entertainment facility (for no reason and for something NO ONE in the community was asking for) Curt didn’t question the extravagant transformation and being $12 million over budget instead he cried about parking.

The rink can take up to 250 peeps at a time and the parking lot holds 45 cars. Now there is on-street parking, a parking ramp next door and plenty of parking at Falls Park. Here’s the other thing, you are going to go ice skate, that is physical activity similar to walking, so why not park a few blocks away and walk there?! There is plenty of parking. When the Levitt has over 5,000 people attend a concert, I never see issues with parking. Where do all those people park?! Also, let’s state the obvious, besides the grand opening, this place will be dead most of the time. The only time you will see people there is if it is decent temps on a Saturday. Great Bear has proven people are winter wimps in Sioux Falls. And if it is below 20 degrees, good luck getting people on the ice especially since we have plenty of options for indoor skating in Sioux Falls at private facilities. I know people who live in SF and work DT and had no clue the place was even being built. I think if the parking lot only had 5 stalls, it would be enough. This place will be bleeding taxpayers for decades! But at least we have another wedding barn in town!!! And that’s the other thing. What if you have 200 people attending a wedding on a Saturday Night during the open skating season? Then you will have a parking issue. I can’t understand why we just didn’t build a simple warming shed and leave it at that? The things we let rich donors cook up with our tax dollars in Sioux Falls is getting ridiculous.

The Romans referred to this as ‘Bread and Circuses’;

In a political context, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction, or by satisfying the most immediate or base requirements of a populace, by offering a palliative: for example food (bread) or entertainment (circuses). Juvenal originally used it to decry the “selfishness” of common people and their neglect of wider concerns. The phrase implies a population’s erosion or ignorance of civic duty as a priority.

Taxdollars should never be spent on entertainment. Once Poops bankrupts this city with his Convention Center proposal maybe people will finally come to terms with having all these play palaces while driving over 6 inches of packed ice and potholes like a pimples on a teenagers ass. And if you think the Feds will be kicking anything in over the next 4 years that ain’t happening.

The Pavilion to open an Ice Ribbon Bar?

I had heard rumors about this a few years back that since the City now can pull liquor licenses for their own facilities they would open a full liquor bar and restaurant at the new ice ribbon (Items #39-40). I don’t want to get into some moral argument about whether or not we should be selling alcohol at a city park facilities, we sell them at the golf courses and Great Bear, BUT, should the city be competing with other food and beverage providers in that downtown area? Or as one city official said to me ‘Why not contract with a PRIVATE restauranteur?’ The argument of drinking and skating aside being less then safe, I think it is bizarre we are building this facility but it seems the focus is on food and beverage? I also find it funny that a single beer will likely cost you DOUBLE of what a rental fee would be for the rink (ever bought a beer at the Pavilion for a show?)

I knew the Pavilion’s Darrin Smith had his claws in this contract for a couple of years now, so no surprise they are getting it, but like buying the Sanford Fitness Center, we are NOW competing with private business for absolutely NO reason. So is this an ice ribbon or a bar? Maybe right before they turn if off in the Spring they could fill it full of Jello Shots!?


Besides opening another bar downtown we don’t need the city is also having a Riverline District meeting, but it is entirely an Executive Session. So how is it that just regular folks that get appointed to a bogus committee get to see legal documents in an executive session? If they can be shared with them, normal members of the public, then those docs need to be shared in public with the public at the same time. This whole process is sooooo crooked it is not even funny.

Item #6, sub #3, is a funny one. $62K to tell the city the Canaries Stadium is a dump.

Item #42, Notice in this lease agreement where we are allowing Sanford to continue to use space we bought from them at the Wellness Center, it has NO dollar amount, just that it will be over $500 a year. Betcha they are leasing the space for $501 dollars a year. Wonder if any of the councilors will ask the actual lease amount.

Item #43, The mayor appoints a VP of banking to be on the Parks Board, and who says that board isn’t made up of regular folks!!! Because what we need is more rich people on that board! They just are not represented enough!

Items #44-45, the council moves to make Jim David boss of everyone, even the City Clerk. Weird. Has the city council lost confidence in their City Clerk?

Item #46, council makes a bunch of benign changes to policies. For instance, they are changing ‘public comment’ to ‘public input’. Doesn’t really matter, same thing, except that input is a broader definition of comment.

Item #47, Seems councilors want to ‘lock in’ a price on future rec bonds. Good Luck with that. They did that with Drake Springs then after they lost the election stole money from that pot for other park projects. A snot rag would have a greater legal standing then this resolution.

On a weird note, Harris may win the election by taking IOWA!!!!!!

Washington Pavilion proposes amazing local entertainment series, but should it be Free?

I’m a local visual artist and have worked with local musicians over the years and have argued for a long time they are extremely underpaid and I will go fisticuffs with anybody who wants to cheat local performers (it happens a lot).

That’s why I think this program series is awesome;

Officials with the Washington Pavilion have announced the lineup for a new performance series, called “Live & Local.”

The series will include monthly performances showcasing Sioux Falls area talent, such as singers, dancers, comedians, actors, musicians, artists and more.

The stickler?

Tickets for all nine dates go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday. The price is $20 for a ticket plus tax. Visit WashingtonPavilion.org/LiveandLocal to view the full performance lineup and additional details, as well as to purchase tickets.

The average price of a ticket to see national acts at local music venues runs you around $10-15. So for $2 to see a show (there are nine shows) it is a pretty good deal.

I can’t remember the last time I was charged a cover to see a local act (they used be able to charge) that’s because the venue presenting them budgets for their compensation.

As a local performance series there is absolutely NO reason the Pavilion could not have found a sponsor for this so everyone could attend for FREE.

Better yet, cut the salary of the director to fund it.

They did the same thing in the Visual Arts Center charging to see regional visual artists (I’m all for charging for National or International exhibits due to the cost of insurance, etc.) going against their promise of keeping the VAC open for FREE.

I actually think it is petty to charge $2 to see a local act, you could make up that revenue in beverage sales. This has ‘experiment’ written all over it.

I am often amazed when a local arts non-profit presents amazing programming for local artists then turns around and says, BTW, it’s going to cost you. But what makes this different is that the Pavilion receives millions in subsidies from the city in building maintenance and operating expenses EACH YEAR (roof replacement, for example).

I’m sure they are looking to see what kind of interest there is and what kind of revenue could be pulled in. I have no doubt that people interested in seeing these shows will plop down the $20, but do they really have to?

UPDATE: What goes around comes around


UPDATE II: I was told that this is just cleanup language and been planned to change for a few months before Kingdom Boundaries even submitted a rezone. I guess we will hear a longer explanation on Thursday night at the Planning Meeting. But it is still a bad way to form policy.

Item 1D.

The timing of these changes are interesting considering the kerfuffle over the Kingdom Boundaries rezone which the council says they will likely defer on Wednesday (Item 46-meeting is a day later this week due to National Night Out). As I understand it, the council may defer the rezone so they can update these changes. What amazes me is that I have been asking for over 2 years that the rec trail ordinance changes to allow E2s and not until the SFPD does a FB post councilor Neitzert took action. It looks like the applicant saw a problem with current statute and without any public informational on the ordinance change they are moving forward, on the consent agenda. This is a very backdoor way of creating public policy. I am not sure how the administration can justify making PUBLIC POLICY changes like this while keeping the very public it affects in the dark on the process.


While this may be the big news story going around this weekend;

Although both health systems saw “significant benefits” to the merger that led them to “exhaust all potential pathways,” the merger was ultimately scrapped because of challenges that could not be overcome with “certain Minnesota stakeholders.”

It was no surprise to me. When they first announced the merger negotiations I emailed a local well known journalist and told them it will never happen (even if it was a good thing) because of the last time around. The former AG of Minnesota, Lori Swanson, made a good case the first time and I can guarantee those case files were pulled to assist in killing it this time. As I understand it Fairview may have to be bailed out from the state, but apparently they prefer that over Sanford.


This isn’t some big newsflash;

The Lincoln County Commission’s legal counsel has resigned and will continue his public service to the county’s north.

Deputy State’s Attorney Bill Golden has accepted a position with the City of Sioux Falls as an assistant city attorney. He will leave his post in Lincoln County on July 28.

Commissioner Tiffani Landeen added that Golden will be greatly missed, while Commissioner Michael Poppens joked that he hoped Golden would consider staying.

For full disclosure I worked for the Stewart family the same time Mr. Golden did. Bill is married to Kristi ‘Stewart’ Golden, Gordon Stewart’s daughter. Kristi is a former Pressler staffer and not to long ago I think I heard her on KELO AM doing the news.

I have not heard much about the legal talents of Mr. Golden over the years, including when we both worked for the family (sometimes that is good, and sometimes that is very, very, very bad).

We will see what kind of dirty work Mr. Faddle has for his new errand boy.


Executive Director Olson also reported that a new board member, Alex Jensen, was appointed on Friday and onboarding will ensue.

I find this appointment interesting considering Mr. Jensen only has a few months left in his 1st term on City Council and has not announced if he will run for re-election or run for the legislature (so he can incubate for 2 years and then run for mayor). With this appointment it seems Alex is very confused. The rumor mill says he has resisted announcing for a council re-bid because he is scared Stehly may challenge him, and he may be right.


I think the city council needs to kill this until the next mayor rolls in;

The new commission would be charged with, among other things, reviewing works of art acquired by the city and developing the criteria under which they will be placed.

The panel would also set criteria for awarding funding for public projects.

While I support certain aspects of the commission and a full-time director, I don’t trust it under this administration that has an authoritarian slant towards just about everything, including public art. I have suggested besides the commissioners be made up of a broad group of people, that instead of a full-time coordinator, you have a mid-manager from EACH city department serve on an internal arts commission that reports to the volunteer commission monthly. If we really want to promote the arts in Sioux Falls we have to have every city department involved in those actions and not some court jester from the mayor’s office who will likely quit when he is done in 2026.

The Pavilion turned down the ‘opportunity’ to manage the arts for the city, but it seems they have the budget for a NEW full-time position;

Margaret Carmody has been selected as the new Chief Strategy Officer of Washington Pavilion Management Inc.

Carmody previously served as an executive for Raven Industries, where she led organizational culture, marketing, brand, internal and external communications, community and public relations, administrative services and facilities at one time.

She will vacate her role as a member of the Board of Trustees prior to joining the organization as an employee.

The Pavilion is ran by a private management company so they can throw their money at whatever word-game position they want to create, but it reminds of when Doug Morrison ‘retired’ from his banking career while he was serving as School Board President and after leaving the board gets a job created for him by the district. He is in charge of saving the district money 🙂

I am not sure why Carmody is leaving Raven, maybe she saw a better opportunity at the Pavilion, but it seems a little odd that after serving on the board she is offered a new position with the Pavilion. I often tell young professionals in Sioux Falls who are trying to get ahead in their careers it’s ‘who you know, not what you know’ in this town. I have met 30 year olds that are brilliant in Sioux Falls but get passed up for promotions because they are not ass kissers and don’t get fit the ‘look’ and these are white males I am talking about.

Don’t even get me started how you are treated as a female or a minority.

When a friend of mine was starting her career in technical writing she moved BACK to Sioux Falls after receiving top honors and graduating from an Austin, TX university. She sent her resume everywhere and couldn’t even get a call for an interview until she started putting a photo of herself on the resume (she is white). We could never prove it, but we think she was denied interviews because of her name. If you read her first and last name on a resume you would make the stereotypical assumption she is black, as soon as her photo appeared on her resume she started getting interviews and offers.


Whenever I read an article like this, I just shake my head and wonder why people are so opposed to municipal garbage service;

About a quarter of all waste going to the Sioux Falls Regional Sanitary Landfill could have been diverted or recycled, the results of a new study found, pointing to a problem that could prove costly.

I often laugh when people make comments like this;

The garbage hauling system in this city is private versus public which keeps costs down and competitive.

I had to adjust myself for a moment there while a monkey exited my butt.

I am for the free market system, which works well in many aspects of the private sector vs. the public sector, but I still don’t know how you think the private system is cheaper? They use more gas, they deteriorate more roads and they have to pay tipping fees. The math isn’t there. You could contract with 2-3 private haulers, give them each a sector of the city, eliminate tipping fees, bill people monthly in their water and sewer bill, and have the city provide the fuel for the trucks.

Heck, the little town of Canton knew this and were going to use the cost savings to build a pool, while I disagree my garbage fees should go towards a pool, it obvious that they saw a cost savings (albeit they were taking that savings away with a pool fee). While many cities have done the system wrong (like Canton was proposing), we have an opportunity to build it from scratch and can learn what NOT to do from other cities.