Hey, I don’t blame the Pavilion for having to cancel their shows, Covid has wreaked havoc on the entertainment industry;

The Washington Pavilion has canceled its 2020-21 Performance Series, which would have brought hit shows such as “Fiddler on the Roof,” “Hairspray” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” to Sioux Falls.

Many Broadway tours have been put on hold or canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a letter to supporters, the Pavilion said it is working to rebook as many shows from this season as it can for next season.

This will hit the Pavilion hard since they depend on this revenue to float them each year. In fact the Pavilion has made money from these shows over the years and if they didn’t have to float the arts center and science centers (which lose money) the Pavilion would have been very profitable. The problem is they don’t split the pot of money up between the entities, they just move it around.

Of course they have a plan, not a very good one mind you;

While refunds will still be offered, the loss of the tours has put the Pavilion “in a very challenging situation,” Smith said. “As a nonprofit reliant on ticket sales, sponsorships and gifts of support from the community, the loss of these tours – a $3 million impact – has put the organization in a very challenging situation. We are asking our loyal customers – if they are able – for their support at this unprecedented time.”

In all reality, it will probably be the taxpayers that will have to bailout the Pavilion during this down economy. But we have already been giving it millions in maintenance for years. It is what I suspected it would turn into, a money pit, and the Events Center and Aquatic Center are not to far behind.

4 Thoughts on “Taxpayers may have to bailout the Pavilion

  1. funny how quiet the city state has been about the rodeo that came to town a few months ago. did people catch covid there? did the city and or promoter lose a ton of money?

  2. "Very Stable Genius" on September 9, 2020 at 6:21 pm said:

    The mayor likes culture. Can’t he get Kristi to give us some of that $900 million in CARES Act holdings to bail-out the pavilion?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Are they really friends since Smithfield?”’… “And what area code would you use right now to reach her, Pennsylvania’s, Ohio’s, Michigan’s, Wisconsin’s, Minnesota’s, Iowa’s, Arizona’s, or Florida’s?”…. )

  3. D@ily Spin on September 10, 2020 at 10:19 am said:

    The city built all these play places (Pavilion, Denty, Public Baths) to entertain crickets. Now, they’ve raised taxes to make bond payments. What’s lacking culturally is practicality and common sense.

  4. D@ily Spin on September 10, 2020 at 10:26 am said:

    Get back to building empty parking ramps. They’ll be easier to demolish once there’s charter change and sound government.

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