At the council meeting tonight, Soehl recused himself on Item #45, which is a rezone of an historic building in Pettigrew Heights to be converted into a coffee shop. I’m am not sure why he recused himself because he never told the council and the public, but my guess is he may be investing in the project but I do not know for sure. Let’s just say he has a conflict and admitted to it, whatever it is.

After coming back he co-sponsored item #53, a resolution to pull $120K from streets to re-establish the core facade program. He claims he has NO idea who would want to use it but has heard several people are interested.

So imagine my surprise when the main developer of Item #45 was interested in applying for the program after his rezone was approved.

Coincidence? I think not.

So how is it that Soehl walked out on the coffee shop project because of an assumed conflict, then turns around and sponsors a program that MAY benefit the project he has a conflict with?

Hey Curt, we can connect the dots . . . unfortunately you cannot. This will be brought up time and time again when your re-election campaign heats up.

UPDATE: Apparently the Developer of the Coffee Shop is Curt’s re-election campaign treasurer

6 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor Curt Soehl plays an interesting game tonight

  1. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 8, 2021 at 11:17 am said:

    I see the point you are making, but it may be a bit of a stretch. Even if he had a conflict of interest on the building project on Grange Avenue; he did remove himself from that discussion. The reason I believe your argument considering the Facade item, is that that item helps everyone in the community, not just him. So you could say, that every member of the “Council” would have a conflict on item #53 cause anyone could take advantage of it once adopted.

    Each member of the council, like you and I, and all 195,000 residents could take advantage of the Facade Program at anytime.

    I do not know of, or believe Councilor Seohl had any direct conflict in Item #53. At best, it would be an indirect conflict, but still, “ANYONE” can utilize the program. That is just my opinion, though.

  2. There is a reason why this program went away, it benefits neither the citizens or the city, just another cookie jar for developers.

  3. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 8, 2021 at 1:56 pm said:

    Was not this program used by many Downtown Business/Property Owners who took advantage of the program to restore and revitalize Downtown Buildings?

    It seems they want to give it a shot to help revitalize some of the core areas of the city this time. They are budgeting $120,000 so how many projects does this help through our core area?

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 8, 2021 at 2:01 pm said:

    Facade program? Isn’t the whole city a facade program? Don’t let the taupe houses, fun food trucks, and long lines at Chick-fil-A fool you. Beneath it all are 28 rounds on Minnesota and Soviet style housing for all.

  5. D@ily Spin on December 9, 2021 at 9:33 am said:

    Coffee houses lack financial liquidity. Likely it’ll fail. There’ll be more embarrassment than conflict. Coffee between a pot store and adult store, now we’re talking. Somewhere in the block with Romantix and city offices?

  6. anominous on December 9, 2021 at 11:42 pm said:

    first of all, i applaud whoever is trying to make that coffee thing work. second of all, i once workd as a janitor apprentice at moldy lincoln elementary on that spot, and there was this old timer asshole who lived in that building who did nothing but complain to the sfps whenever he saw the janitors taking legal breaks out side, so anything that makes that corner place into something legit now gots my vote. rest in peace, jimmy dale.

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