I have heard from a couple of reliable sources that the aggregate company that wants to buy the fairgrounds has been circulating a presentation on different concepts of what to do with the old quarry once they leave it and start using the fairgrounds quarry (if the sale is successful). One concept is a quarry lake hotel like they recently opened in China. It is probably highly unlikely since it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to construct and somewhat funny that they are even throwing the idea around. As I told someone about the concept, “It’s kinda of like what we were promised with the Denty and instead we got a polished (dented) turd.”

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Quarry Hotel?”
  1. Inevitably, the quarry will become a landfill. There’ll be lots of dreamer ideas but the only practical use is for trash. Hopefully, when it’s full, it’ll become a park.

  2. The Axtel-Lyon Family will not sell the l and, especially NOT for $65 million, that land is worth BILLIONS, and thanks the fact they hold the Patent and Allodial Title, the land is protected, let the county take the money, then get sued in the process.

  3. ‘Hopefully, when it’s full, it’ll become a park.’ Like the Sioux Steel project built on the original SF garbage dump.

  4. I think this is a great concept, because after the funding collapses, the newest Bunker Ramp will not be as noticeable unless you really look deep into the abyss of another black hole development.

  5. “It is probably highly unlikely since it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to construct …”

    Au contraire! Not in the City of VUOPM! *

    This sort of plan will arouse our regional economic development wizards and City Planning staff.

    The only questions to answer? –

    How many hundreds of millions of dollars of property tax revenue, payable in the future to cash-strapped Minnehaha County and the SF school district, does the City of Sioux Falls give away?

    Of course it will have a parking ramp. But will the design be a stereotypical “ramp”, or will it include a unique elevator feature, in which drivers can drive into an elevator carriage at the ground level (top of the hole, if you will) and be lowered to their parking level via elevator shaft?

    And, can the developer for this project double dip on give aways? Can the hundreds of millions of TIFs be combined with proceeds gathered from other taxpayers within the boundaries of the soon-to-be-created West Sioux Business Improvement District? (there’s your queue, MLZ)

    * Vision Using Other Peoples Money

  6. “‘….Of course it will have a parking ramp. But will the design be a stereotypical “ramp”, or will it include a unique elevator feature, in which drivers can drive into an elevator carriage at the ground level (top of the hole, if you will) and be lowered to their parking level via elevator shaft?….'”

    “This sounds like that garage that Mitt Romney built for his home”…

  7. A Knife River employee of long standing with the quarry recently stated they pump 1m+ gallons of groundwater a day from the quarry. It was his estimate that if quarry operations ceased in the existing pit, it would fill with water in 3-5 years from ground water influx alone. Seasonal rains and/or snowmelt could shorten that time estimate.

  8. “Say, after the quarry fills with water, maybe we could place some alligators, crocodiles, and snakes into it and create some sort of Tiger King theme park”….. “It would complement greatly the annual county fair’s freak shows consisting of the ‘Swamp Man’, the ‘Alligator Woman’, ‘The Feet Eating Crocs’ and ‘The Serpent Sausage Maker’…”

  9. I imagine a Pedestrian Walk from Lyons Blvd connecting the W.H Lyon Fairgrounds along Madison Street to Covell Lake, north to Brookings Street, East to Main Avenue, South to 3rd Street to the Leavitt Shell. A total 2.75 Miles or 1 Hour Walk, 35 minute Bike Ride, or 10 Minute Drive.

    The Pedestrian Pathway would include a Sculpture Walk, would connect the Fairgrounds to the Event Center Campus, to Falls Park and the Leavitt. A complete “Entertainment Pathway Connection”

    And lastly, “Public Taxes” cannot be used for Real Property/private profits”. Cannot use TIFS to build a home, a business, or personal gain. Before you establish a TIF, you have to report ‘what’ public expenses you are using the TIF for, can only be used for Public Roads, to build a Electric Grid, Water and Sewer System, Public Infrastructure (ramp), Land Clean Up Costs, Improvements, etc = PUBLIC THINGS.

    My dream of a “West Sioux Business Improvement District” is to build a community of members with the goal to build a vision for the future, and mould this area to become the “Entertainment Engine” of the City itself.

    The largest property holder in the area, happens to be the Axtel-Lyon Family Heir – they hold the W.H Lyons Fairgrounds Property, Axtel Park Property etc.

  10. “Oh yes, Oh yes, the ‘West Sioux Business Improvement District’, which is not to be confused with the Sports Authority, or the Badlands Entertainment District… Oh yes, Oh, yes”…. #I’dRatherBeInPhiladelphiaRightNow

  11. So … “An underwater community and resort hotel” – that’s what I am hearing from these comments.
    Atlantis on the Prairie!

    I suppose the water temperature wouldn’t be quite correct for shrimp harbors, otherwise maybe those Trü Shrimp grifters could get another million (or ten!) from our gullible regional and state economic development wizards.

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