Talk about getting the hose poured on you at your first meeting! Public input was a riot! The people living in apartments owned by a Floridian Mob Boss showed up, one was an EMT for a city contractor! WOW! People from Taylor Street came to object to a massive apartment being built in their quaint neighborhood. As one inputer said, “It’s Bullsh1t!” Also, Mr. Stanga has returned.

Tim makes his second appearance in 2 weeks to complain about officers not investigating petty crime (break-ins). Tim, hate to break it to you, that has been the policy for decades!

One of the new councilors, Jennifer Sigette, expressed her dismay that no one showed up for 1st Reading of the massive mixed use God Kids work training living units at 18th and Minnesota.

These Bohemians have so much to learn. Ok, Jennifer, this is how it works, the planning department has been instructed to tell applicants and opponents (especially opponents) not to come to 1st reading because nothing goes on. That is why NO ONE was there. Soehl continued the rhetoric by saying that 1st reading almost always get passed (LIE! JUST VOTED ONE DOWN A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO) and no one really needs to come and speak because it is simply setting a date of a hearing. BULLSH!T, which probably came straight from the city attorney’s office, because Curt ain’t shart enough to figure that out.

And like a broken record playing the sound of a can being kicked down the road, the council re-elected the same dolts for leadership. TWO issues with this, 1) Every single Bohemian elected to the council in this last election is QUALIFIED to be in leadership. I may disagree with their politics, but they ain’t dummies. Give them an opportunity to lead! Barranco or Cole should have been elected vice-chair, and Merkouris should have gotten chair. Thomason should have been elected chair of the audit committee, but they reappointed Barranco. WHY!? The best way to learn and progress as an individual councilor and as a team is to have your feet thrown in the fire. Give the new peeps an opportunity.

Whatever CURT! Better go pick up your cardboard Burger King crown for the next meeting.

Also, the lack of discussion tonight before the nominations and election only shows the public you make most of these decisions behind closed doors. Do you think we are that naive? This is why no one shows up to vote or to complain. What’s the point?


Great article by Joe, agree almost 100%, but I wish he would have touched more on the lack of leadership;

I have the impression that no one in a leadership position is focusing on a long-term vision for our governments in the Sioux Falls area. Our mayor took office 6 years ago with the theme of “One Sioux Falls” to motivate city employees and the community. But I don’t believe it had anything to do with getting rid of unnecessary government boundaries in our city. And the business community, as reflected in the Chamber of Commerce and Forward Sioux Falls, seems equally uninterested in discussing the situation. They should care about this and get involved.

Also, I have had this coaster for awhile, I found it at a bar downtown a few months ago and wondered if anyone else has seen it? I got it right away, but I wonder if others are like, “This is cool.” Love random gorilla art.

4 Thoughts on “First Sioux Falls city council meeting of the Half Bohemians was entertaining

  1. Tabitha on May 21, 2024 at 11:21 pm said:

    I wish I had as much money as Joe Kirby. But, I do like his input on how the city is mismanaged, so good job

  2. "Woodstock" on May 22, 2024 at 1:25 pm said:

    “I’ve always wanted to become a member of the Bohemian Club”….. 🙂

  3. The Guy From Guernsey on May 23, 2024 at 10:52 pm said:

    Regarding consolidation of government, there is far lower hanging fruit in this state than would be consolidation of Minnehaha and Lincoln Counties or consolidation of the school districts in and around Sioux Falls.

    AFA Joe Kirby – Joe’s influence on the City Charter some decades ago is one of the reasons that our current government functions poorly for the ordinary citizen.
    He should take open primary, jungle primary, ranked choice voting and the rest of his progressive political ideology and move full-time to Cali.

  4. The Guy From Guernsey on May 23, 2024 at 10:53 pm said:

    That coaster would make a nice T shirt.

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