I have known for around a year from multiple sources that Poops’ COS, Erica Beck, plans to run for mayor. I have resisted posting, because, well, I don’t believe it. First thing I said to my first source, “Does she plan on being the next Jim Entenman of mayoral politics? Spending the most money and getting the worst results?” And once peeps find out she is the one running the city the past 5 years or so, she really will get NO WHERE with her campaign. She really should register her candidacy as an LLC under Lloyd Companies. If you are going to run Erica, why not wear your true colors? GREEN & GREEN.

You’ve gone in such a wrong direction since the last time we talked. It is disappointing on many levels, because I think you are a smart urban planner who has been hoodwinked by power and money, and not GOD.

I wish you luck, but you are going to get creamed.

6 Thoughts on “I guess my hand has been forced

  1. Steve on May 21, 2024 at 10:24 pm said:

    I would guess then that PTH will secretly be funding this campaign or does he just stick with those running for a Council seat? Will indeed be interesting!

  2. Very Stable Genius on May 21, 2024 at 10:55 pm said:

    During that rather hastily put together press conference with Lamont concerning the Bunker Ramp, wasn’t Beck in attendance, and the Mayor claimed she had many years of expertise to see this project through? #Someday

  3. dontbemad on May 21, 2024 at 11:23 pm said:

    After being around her for a few years I think she doesn’t actually know what she’s doing but enjoys calling orders and being the leader and decision maker in the room.

  4. My Mistake Mike on May 22, 2024 at 8:36 am said:

    “Does she plan on being the next Jim Entenman of mayoral politics? Spending the most money and getting the worst results?”

    LMAO! That explains how the Head HOG just got chosen for the SD Hall of Fame.

    PS – don’t forget about the long family trips to Mexico during his one term on the council.

  5. "Woodstock" on May 22, 2024 at 1:31 pm said:

    “The Lamont and Beck press conference was a real good one”…. “It ranks right up there with Rick and Stace Nelson”…. “What’s next?…. Biden and Depp?”…. ( …. “What about Bobby and Stormy, or Trump and Heard?”…. 🙁 )

  6. Joe swan on May 22, 2024 at 2:14 pm said:

    Leading tax dollar stealer at city haul.

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