NOVEMBER 26, 2007
Conflicts of Interest in government is as commonplace as flies on manure in South Dakota and so are the excuses they use for their ignorance. One excuse we have heard over the past couple of years is the lack of people willing to sit on these volunteer boards. Hogwash. It’s not that the people aren’t there that are willing to serve, it’s just not the people they want sitting on these boards. They want people that are connected, not Joe Six-Pack.A few years back I applied to be on the Visual Arts Commission, an all volunteer board that advises the city on public art placement, etc. I applied because I suspected corruption. Boy was I right. My first application ‘mysteriously’ disappeared. And my second was confirmed received, but I have never been asked to come before the VAC and tell them in person why I wanted to sit on the board. Since then one member has already voluntarily resigned due to conflict of interest. In fact for almost two years there was two empty seats on the board, and I think not until recently one has been filled by a well known interior designer. Ironically after I brought it up in a city council meeting.I don’t think anyone should be surprised by the conflicts of interest that exist in our government. It’s just business as usual in good old Sioux Falls.