OCTOBER 3, 2007 (updated w/editorial)

This is dedicated to Theresa Stehly who got beat up a little last week by our local ‘liberal’ media. Apparently they think people in our community who dissent and form grassroots movements to make their neighborhoods better are ‘whiners’. Sorry, wrong once again. They are patriots and should be praised by our local FREE (?) press. Government and media shold fear the citizens not the other way around.




MySiouxFalls.com calls it quits:


Does this surprise me? No. I’m not going to point fingers at the creators, but I will say this. If you are trying to make money on the internets:

#1. It takes a lot of time and dedication.

#2. You should use a minimal staff that usually exist of 3 employees; me, myself and I.

#3. Minimal investment (in case it crashes all you are out of is your time.

I don’t think the public (especially South Dakotans) are ready for a web based news organization. Since only about 7% of them get their news from the web.


Don’t get me wrong, it is the only place I go. I only subscribe to 2 printed mags: The Hightower Report and Funny Times. Everything else I get online. It is a great concept, but until we get younger and more internet savvy in South Dakota, this will never work. I think the NY Times has even had some problems with there internet based news. It is hard to make $$$ at it. Most bloggers have other jobs to pay the bills.

I’ll give them credit for trying, but . . .