I have this bad habit lately of flipping to TV Land when I can’t find anything else on TV. Today, I came across ‘Good Times‘ and I was stuck watching 3 episodes. Of course the Black Jesus episode is my favorite, but I didn’t see that one, but it is my favorite;


3 Thoughts on “What we need is a Black Jesus (and healthcare reform to boot)

  1. Oliver Surden on September 12, 2009 at 8:33 pm said:

    I remember seeing that episode when I was a wee lad. Good one. Dy-no-mite!

  2. Ned the wino. Funny.

  3. Good Times is still a great show. They say stuff on that show that you wouldn’t dare try today in this idiotic PC universe.

    Same goes for The Jeffersons…still a great show. The sad part is sometime in the next few years some Television executive will get the stupid idea to remake one of those shows and they will totally ruin them.

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