
The Sioux Falls city council is scheduled to vote on banning alcohol at Van Eps and Tower parks at Tuesday night’s meeting (Item #5).

I couldn’t really tell you how the vote will go. I know some are for it, some are against it. Lately I’ve been swaying to be against the ban. If it is okay for me to drink at Terrace Park during a fundraiser like ‘Jam Against Hunger’ why isn’t okay for people to drink at Van Eps? I guess I started to look at it as discrimination in a way. Besides, the cold weather will take care of the issue here shortly. A ban at this point is already too little, too late.

No matter if you agree with the ban or not, I find it ironic that the mayor has been on the soap box lately supporting the ban. I have said along he had the power to implement this band two months ago, instead he installs more picnic tables and porta-potties, and did nothing but let the county, the PD, the parks board and the city council deal with the situation, very slowly.

Thanks Mike for doing your job, avoiding making the ‘tough’ decisions.

3 Thoughts on “How will the council vote on banning alcohol in SF parks?

  1. anominous on September 8, 2014 at 3:18 pm said:

    lol, “Huetherville”. I can already hear the bulldozers.

  2. Just put up a wall along Minnesota Avenue and paint a big mural of a gazebo with the Mayberry municipal band playing. This way Huether won’t have to be embarrassed by the idea that our little town isn’t the idyllic fantasy world that exists only in his imagination.

    This ridiculous plan isn’t that far off of the city’s management of our less than ideal population, sweep them under the rug and act surprised when they don’t actually disappear.

  3. Enough of shape places and legacy of MMM on September 9, 2014 at 2:37 pm said:

    We’re in pleasant ville didn’t anyone notice the lack of color and imagination. I saw Walmart blue but then went back to blk and white. I might have seen the polished turd called the ec.
    Huetherville is a prison now so pack up and head to where we can not be scolded like 3 year olds and be an embarrassment to mmm. We can rename our city idiotville or Sanford falls where mmm will be king and keep us all in credit card prison the rest can stay drunk. Lloyd will get to build more lofts for the beautiful people on both parks. I hear the bulldozers too

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