4 Thoughts on “Spirit of Dakota award, this Saturday

  1. Any coverage done on this fine program will have to come from the blogs. As long as Theresa Stehly is involved the media won’t touch it. If you remember last year I commented on this. I contacted all the TV stations and the reaction was not pleasant. Seems they regarded Theresa as a “trouble maker”. I believe in my mind that she embarrassed the hell out of them, uncovering and reporting, discussing the things they should have been doing. ~~ Some of them said they didn’t know about it , so I called the people that ran the program, press releases were sent to all media, before the program took place and immediately after. ~~ It will be interesting to see what happens again this year. There is another Sioux Falls woman nominated again, don’t believe she is a “citizen’s advocate” (trouble maker), so maybe the media will cover it !!!

  2. Well, bite my tongue, the Argus did cover the press release for the nomination info, congrats. Now we’ll wait for the rest of the story !!!

  3. The D@ily Spin on September 29, 2015 at 12:29 pm said:

    True about the media. They’re not free speech and often suspected aligned to the city government syndicate or corrupt insider developers.

    I’m thinking public print and broadcast is no longer well policed by the FCC. Real truth comes from the internet. I always go to a search engine for articles, papers, and blog background. Public media used to be a resource. People would pay for copies. It’s no longer valuable because it’s more opinion than facts.

  4. The D@ily Spin on September 29, 2015 at 12:32 pm said:

    And the Argus wonders why they’ve lost subscribers. And KELO wonders why Direct TV will not carry them as part of their cable TV package.

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