By l3wis

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7 thoughts on “I guess it’s not fags God hates afterall”
  1. I don’t like figs either. Disgusting. Anything ‘Raisin like’ is also on that list.

  2. Anytime anyone can poke fun at Fred Phelps, I’m all for it! That ay-hole is as much a Christian as Jeffery Dahmer was a gourmet chef!

  3. You have to love the fact that he (and his daughter I believe) were denied visas to go to the UK.

    The only message the Westboro Baptist church (with a little ‘c’) is capable of spreading is that even self-proclaimed Christians can be hate-mongers too.

  4. “self-proclaimed Christians can be hate-mongers too.”

    Yeah, they were at all the Palin rallies.

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