Here in Misery, we only care about unborn children. Once you’re birthed – preferably through a scheduled C-section – you’re on your own. Nowhere is that more apparent than in our state legislature where Cynthia Davis is chairperson for the House Special Committee on Children and Families. She thinks the summer program that gives out breakfast to poor children is a waste of taxpayer money and that “[H]unger can be a positive motivator.” Nice. I hate this place.

Here’s a Kansas City take on the whole thing. Plus, check out some videos here and here. You have to watch the Olberman clip all the way through to hear him bash Davis, but it’s worth it. Oh, and feel free to sign a petition to remove her from her chairmanship, because you never know when she might make that run for federal office.

4 thoughts on “Greetings from Misery: Cynthia Davis & Starving Children”
  1. “Hunger is a great motivator.”

    She’s right, cavemen used to kill each other for food.

    Like Gonzo said right before Y2K, “Not sure why everyone is hoarding up on food, I’m hoarding up on guns. Because the people with the guns, are going to have the food.”

    “Here in Misery, we only care about unborn children. Once you’re birthed – preferably through a scheduled C-section – you’re on your own.”

    Does state senator Roger Hunt serve in Misery to?

  2. I’ve always found it interesting that the people who proclaim themselves to be Christians in the loudest voices are usually the same people who would yank a program like this. Colbert nailed it better than Olberman could hope to with that quote from Matthew.
    I hope her next opponent has a big enough budget to run a commercial with that quote every day in October of her next election year.

  3. “I hope her next opponent has a big enough budget to run a commercial with that quote every day in October of her next election year.”

    That would be bigger then “Where’s the Beef?”

  4. It never ceases to amaze me the depth of evil ignorance that can be hidden beneath a veil of Christianity. And worse – the tolerance, even the support of such by other Christians.

    She and those like her perfectly illustrate the problem with a theocracy: one need be neither wise nor good to rise in power.

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