The current Gov. of SC is still grist for the mill.  Now the story is that Maria of Argentina fame is in SC and he is off on a weekend with her while he does his weekend warrior duty.  I don’t know who is but all of his other news stories are today’s news.  And then when one goes to the State newspaper, all the commenters are talking about the Gov and Maria.
And one last funny thing, the Christian Broadcasting Network is defending C Street House.  They have saved marriages we probably don’t know about.
Christian News Show Poses The Real Question On C St.: How Many Affairs Has It Thwarted?

Here’s some summer Friday fun.

The right-wing Christian Broadcasting Network does damage control for C Street, explaining that the real question isn’t, how many affairs were covered up, but rather, “how many affairs were thwarted.”

Where’s Maria?
“It’s three o’clock in the morning … do you know where your governor’s lover is?”

Obviously, that’s not how that expression goes, but Maria Belen Chapur – the Argentine beauty who made international headlines earlier this summer when S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford admitted to having an affair with her – could be closer than you think.

Much closer.

In fact, sources tell FITS that Chapur has been in South Carolina for “several days” now, first staying at a guest house on the governor’s Coosaw Plantation in Beaufort County and most recently staying at “a friend (of the governor)’s house in Columbia.”

That progression would certainly fit with what we know of the governor’s schedule over the past few days. Sanford spent last weekend on his plantation in Beaufort County before returning to Columbia on Monday evening for meetings with constituents.

On Wednesday, Sanford denied a report published here on FITS that he was “contemplating” moving Chapur into the Governor’s Mansion, which was vacated last Friday by S.C. First Lady Jenny Sanford and the couple’s four boys.

While issuing his denial, however, Sanford refused to give a straight answer as to whether or not he had been communicating with Chapur.

Could this be why?

According to his public schedule, Sanford leaves today for a weekend of Air Force Reserve duty in Panama City, Florida.

Best part: In a moment which gets at the, um, tensions inherent in a religious-based journalism enterprise, anchor Gordon Robertson applauds C Street for its secrecy, which, he says, allows it to minister more effectively to its members. Says Roberston: “God bless em!”

By l3wis

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