
Mike ‘Events Center’ Huether

Word on the street is that Mike has been telling anyone who will listen that he will get the EC built without raising taxes, of course, as most politicians, he is short on details, BUT it is possible.

• You can have corporate sponsors pay for 33-50% of it.

• The bonds on the Pavilion and Convention center run out in a couple of years and you can convert that revenue over to paying down a bond on the new EC.

It’s tricky, but possible. I’m just wondering when Mike is gonna reveal his plan to the public? It is pretty obvious that the retail tax increase is going to fail, and fail hard. I have yet to talk to a legislator, journalist or citizen that supports the idea. Will Mike wait until Pierre takes a shit on it before he reveals his plans? Or will he wait for T. Denny Sanford to cut him a check? One wonders.

This is all Mike has to say about it on his site.

10 Thoughts on “SF Mayoral candidate Huether vows to build the Events Center without raising taxes? Can’t wait to hear this one.

  1. Or will he wait for T. Denny Sanford to cut him a check? One wonders.

    I do not wonder about that at all. t denny and his fee harvesting scheme brought about by his minions like huether has ruined countless thousands of lives. And now “honest mike” is going to somehow turn over a new leaf? Not likely. Honest Mike will be a strong candidate because daddy warbucks will keep his campaign warchest overflowing. Just keep this in mind. You can paint a zebra to look like a thouroghbred, but guess what? IT’S STILL A ZEBRA!!!!!

  2. Plaintiff Guy on December 29, 2009 at 8:41 am said:

    Perhaps an events center can happen without raising taxes. Doing it without more debt is impossible. Perhaps credit card guy can raise credit limits. I see another strong-mayor home-rule swimming hole plus animal shelter expenditure happening without council or citizen approval.

  3. CCFlyer on December 29, 2009 at 9:56 am said:

    Would implementing a TIF mean raising taxes? Anyone know?

    I think honestly he has the best idea for the Events Center, and how to pay it (kinda). I definitely agree with him on corporate sponsorship. Some people will definitely hate it, but if we go after First Premier, Sanford, Avera, Citi Financial, Midcontinent, etc. We need to have corporate sponsorship on everything, the Lobby, the playing fields/etc. The Arena itself. It is an easy way to pay it off.

  4. His picture has an eerie similarity to the cover photo for The 40 Year Old Virgin.

    There is a toon idea in that somewhere for you l3wis!

  5. CCFlyer says:

    Would implementing a TIF mean raising taxes? Anyone know?,/strong>

    If it is the TIF I think you mean, it would not raise taxes, but it could INCREASE the value of homes, when they are in fact going down in value. Still an increased tax, just a different way of stickin it to ya.

  6. Costner, funny.

    Actually I have met Mike and talked to him a few times, I like him, but you can tell he is two-faced on many issues, which will ultimately doom his campaign.

  7. honest mike looks a lot like harold from the Red Green Show. Friends tell me I look a lot like Red Green. Hey…ya spose I could be his campaign manager and be in charge of counting the coin from t denny?


  8. anominous on December 29, 2009 at 1:16 pm said:

    The city should get one of them First Premier credit cards at 79% and just charge the events center on it. You’d think an applicant who already owes $250,000,000 would qualify for one.

  9. anon: that’s very good.
    While we’re at it, the Governor could use one of those 79% interest cards to balance the state’s budget, too.

  10. Heck, Let’s go all the way and use one to pay Gordon Howie’s property taxes and start a new school laptop program.

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