
The Replacement Doc will be out soon!


6 Thoughts on “Music club w/ The Dave Rawlings Machine and a NON-GAY dedication to Hudson (from Sy)

  1. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  2. The director, Gorman Borchard, will be making another appearance on the Ledge in a couple of weeks to talk about screenings and other plans.

  3. Cool, you should see if you could set up a run at the State this summer. I believe the renovations will be done by then.

  4. l3wis on March 3, 2011 at 8:13 pm said:

    There should be a SF screening. That would be fun, we could make it into a South DaCola Fest – Ledge – Rant-A-Bit BBQ extravaganza.

  5. I’ll bring it up with the director.

  6. Get a one day liquor license and I’m in.

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