
As everyone has already heard, David Montgomery is going on to greener pastures. No surprise, this guy has skyrocketed up the ladder of political journalism in our state very quickly. I’m sure when the Argus told him he had to reapply for his job, he said, “Sure” without telling them he would also be applying to several other newspapers, that actually appreciate their employees by not putting them through some convoluted layoff process.

Good Luck David!

PS- I know you liked ‘Touch of Europe’, so may I suggest ‘Moscow on the Hill’ in St. Paul, wonderful borscht and of course the wall of vodka.

But David leaving wasn’t the only big journalist story over at 10th & Minnesota. In some strange decision, management has decided to make their sports writer the city beat reporter. When I first read his column yesterday I thought it was a satire piece. I guess not.

Mr. Whitney hasn’t been shy about having his head up the mayor’s butt when it came to the Events Center, so I suspect we won’t have really much of any investigative reporting when it comes to city hall, but I will be looking forward to reading Stu’s comedy city column twice a week.

And for the record, South DaCola attempted some restructuring, but I was unable to lay myself off. Sorry Mike. It just pays so well, I had to keep at it.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Monty’s out, Whitney is in”
  1. AL: “…So tell me, David, where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

    Monty: “Uh, re-applying for the same job at this newpaper?”

    AL: “Congratulations, you’re hired!”

  2. Montgomery must not be a very good writer, otherwise he would’ve got a job at Sanford. And don’t think the 20k a year raise will help much either. We all know how much better the business climate is in South Dakota. Lots OF Laughs.

  3. Stay Lewis. You’re the only one worth believing. Strange, I now read the Argus for what’s not reported. It’s usually opposite. Seems complicated but it’s actually easier once you contemplate what is being concealed and not reported to the public.

  4. Need an idea who stu is going to champion? Read this.


    One line was all it took for me.

    Four hundred million he gave, right out of the gate,
    From handing dim deadbeats a high interest rate.

    Really stu? It’s all just that simple to turn a predator into a God. Your God? Dim deadbeats? Like I’ve said before stu. You are a clueless f’n jerk. End of story.

  5. Moscow on the Hill is a fun little place. In my book, vodka flights are both tastier and more efficient than beer flights.

    Also looking forward to reading David’s work in my local paper… again. Too bad for the Argus that he didn’t aspire to some bullshit title like Digital Media Savant, where he could host a webcast that 12 people watch, or write about bicycles.

  6. And gets ‘Megan Luthered’

    Remember that, she wrote a controversial piece about the mayor and he went and had a whaabulance meeting with Beck and she got taken off the city beat.

  7. The last time there was any good reporting done of local government was when Megan Luther and Jonathan Ellis were assigned to this beat.

  8. Just look at the Lien story I discovered on Saturday, from the city council agenda posted on Friday. Not one single media outlet in SF has said a thing about it in 5 days. Whether it has to do with the EC siding or not, I think it is pretty historic that a contractor takes out a $600,000 lien against the city, that could open it up to other contractors not getting paid. In fact, someone told me on Saturday that Bob Jamison couldn’t even recall if a lien of that proportion has ever been taken out on the city. They have a fantastic story handed to them about city government in a public document, and all you hear is crickets and stories about the ‘Great Bear affect’

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