13 Thoughts on “YPN, AARP, League of Women Voters Sioux Falls Mayoral Forum

  1. The D@ily Spin on February 9, 2018 at 12:38 pm said:

    Jolene impresses me. Maybe it’s time for a woman mayor. She’s fresh, humble, and not the usual political persona. The good old boys club needs a Super Bowl loss. I favor voting for Anderson but was disappointed with some of his responses. Jamison is to soft and gentle. Entenman would be a deeper darker version of Huether. The others are background singers that should run for council, not mayor.

  2. Apparently, owning a small business is a prerequisite to running for mayor. I didn’t know that. But I am not impressed by that prerequisite if you do not tell me the wage scales of your workers and their benefits from day one.

    Now, out of fairness, Mr. TenHaken, spoke to the wage issue to a limited degree, but he also spoke from the advantage point of being a business owner who tends to hire workers with a knack, or who already have a trained capability, which makes attractive wages more acceptable or plausible for the employer to offer – but this is not the scenario for most employers in this town, however.

    So, I would really like to know what these candidates pay their actual workers. Because I think that would be a true test of their character and their resolve to address the number one issue in this town, which is wages or wage collusion…. And an issue that was not discussed enough at this forum…. It seems everyone wants to talk about transparency and diversity, which is find, they should be discussed, but I have yet to use such words as currency at my neighborhood store, however…. This debate or forum is symbolic of how everyone wants to talk about social justice, but rarely about economic justice. Because let us not forget, if we are all standing in the soup line together, regardless of race, then that is equality, but where is the opportunity?

  3. Oh, and perhaps I missed it, but did any of the candidates utter the words OSHA, criminal investigation, a worker’s death, Legacy, Hultgren, or developer contracts with the City? Because if they didn’t, then all of the candidates are already not being transparent with the voters, so then how can things get any better with any of them as the next Mayor?


  4. Warren Phear on February 10, 2018 at 3:48 pm said:

    TDS, I also like Jolene. I also like Kenny. Curious. What did Kenny say that did not set well with you?

  5. WP – The one thing I have noticed that is when Jolene is 1-1 with you or a 1-1 interview, her brilliance really shows. Her interviews with Jon Michaels and Todd Epp are really good. It’s like some weird switch gets flipped when Jolene gets in front of a crowd.

  6. l3wis, Jo sounds like a 3am infomercial when she is before a crowd. I thought, while listening to her, that I was going to call in and buy something I don’t need. And her taking the door to the mayor’s office off the hinges is actually a Knobe idea from ’74. He promised to do that back then, then he actually did it, and then he was reelected with token opposition…. because even the establishment grew to like him with or without a door….

  7. Warren Phear on February 11, 2018 at 1:54 pm said:

    VSG. Respectfully disagree with the 3am infomercial analogy. Jolene shows a true passion for what she believes, be it 3pm or 3am. She stood up for Jolene’s Law in Pierre, and made that a reality. To be able to do that takes a special kind of drive, intelligence, and above all, courage. Do you know what she has done at 3am to learn more about the inner workings of this city. She has been out in a SF police squad car pulling an all niter to learn about crime from a first hand perspective. Last thursday night, after the forum, she pulled another all niter with snow removal. She has passion, and a drive. Give her that much.

    I also was very impressed with Kenny Anderson. Both, in my opinion, would make great mayors. I also would not lose much sleep if Greg Jamison were mayor. David and Mike both bring up many inconvenient truths this city needs to deal with. That leaves two. entenman says his close relationship with huether is a bunch of mularkey. Really? I don’t buy that. His administration will also be secret, secret, secret, ramrod. tenhaken? His past relationships with SDWC and republican PAC’s concern me.

  8. WP, personally I like Jo and Kenny, and I would agree that my analogy was a little harsh, but the platitudes from that forum turned my stomach, especially when no one mentioned “OSHA” or the realities of a dead worker; but the day TenHaken entered the race is the day the whole world changed. It is no longer about what we want to happen, rather the mayoral race has become about what we do not want to happen.

    It is about stopping an other John Thune from becoming into being, politically that is. Because if TenHaken becomes mayor, which I think will happen, he will become a great spokesman for the 1% and at most of ours expense for many years to come, and I will not have any part of that do to some idealistic whim on my part to just support the right Democratic or left of center candidate.

    This blog site has often mentioned that this race will be decided by the “Staggers Voter,” and I would agree. Because the “Staggers Voter” really does not have a horse in this race, but they vote; but I am quite confident that in a TenHaken v. Jo, or a TenHaken v. Kenny race, that they will sadly fold to TenHaken, however.

    Perhaps. Jamison would have the easiest time garnering that voters’ support against TenHaken, but I just do not see Jamison in the runoff any more. Jamison is a nice guy, but he could use some Geritol.

    I have also noticed in the last 24 hours that the “TenHaken” signs are beginning to pop-up everywhere in true Beal or Mickelson fashion. And some might think that he will just be a big dud as a candidate, but I am not going to just hope for that and vote as an idealist, rather I am going to vote as a pragmatist.

    However, I do think TenHaken has made a mistake with the slogan, “Next Generation Leadership,” because I question if the Staggers voter wants to identify with that one…. Will see….. And we will especially see after the first legitimate poll comes out on this race, but for now I would say it is TenHaken’s to lose…. and what are we going to do about that?…….. I suppose we could all put our Republican hats on, eventually, and help him replace Rounds from the Senate in 2026…..Huh?

  9. Warren Phear on February 11, 2018 at 9:32 pm said:

    One thing about Detroit l3wis. He is a blogger with remarkable instincts. This post is over 5 years old, yet as telling now as it was then.


  10. Warren Phear on February 11, 2018 at 9:48 pm said:

    VSG. About Thursday’s forum. I was there and thought there were a lot of really good questions coming in on Twitter. That screen to the left of the candidates with all the orange boxes? Questions submitted by Twitter. Problem was, the moderator stuck with a list of questions every candidate had a well rehearsed response for. Here are just some of the questions that came in. It tells me the right questions are out there, they just have to be asked.

  11. Listen to Jon Michael’s interview of TenHaken on KELO radio.

    He thinks of himself as a marketing whiz kid due to his past success with Click Rain.

    He spent the entire interview talking about how he will focus on those 40 and under….

    Obviously, he’s not as sharp at marketing as he thinks and/or he does not understand voting demographics in this community.

    This SENIOR Voter always votes and after listening to this interview, he will never garner my vote!

  12. Michelle on February 12, 2018 at 7:16 am said:

    I was really hoping a question about the so-called gender pay gap was going to be asked. Doesn’t Jolene think this is an issue that should be addressed? A feminist I follow, Christina Hoff Summers explains these lies away. Then Christina points to an interview b/w Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman who also debunks this nonsense. Jolene should be more informed, especially if she thinks SF employers are breaking the law by paying men more than women. If women do get paid less than men for the same work, why don’t we see women dominate all positions in all areas of the work force?

  13. voter,

    You are definitely right. I think that TenHaken’s “only trust those my age or younger” strategy could be his Achilles Heel….. We can only hope.

    WP, no doubt the questions could have been better and more frank.

    A couple of weeks ago, the City Council told us that golf matters more than the life of a construction worker, then at the forum, due to the questioning, the candidates talked to the golfers in this town and not to the underpaid workers in this town that live or not…

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