City Council Informational Meeting, 4 PM, July 2

Presentations on Ambulance Service (Annual Report), Update on the State Theatre Funding and the City Council 2019 budget expenditures.

City Council Regular Meeting, 7 PM, July 2

Item #38, 2nd Reading, Ordinance, More changes to removing ‘gun dealers’ from pawn shops.

Item #45, 1st reading, Ordinance, Annual Ambulance Service rate increase (written into contract, so the CC has very little power over it.

Planning Commission Meeting, 6 PM, July 3

Item#5B, neighbors are resisting a re-zone from residential to C-2 Commercial for a mini-mall retail center.

Item #5C, permit for alcohol for a casino in the former Bob’s Café. The neighborhood is strongly opposed. They are looking for a deferral.

Item #5D, another permit for alcohol for a casino in a former gas station on N. Cliff. Planning department recommends denial due to not meeting alcohol requirements.

Item #5G, Adjusting the 2040 Comprehensive plan growth tier map.

I also noticed that many exhibit maps were missing from items in SIRE. Hopefully they will be up for the meeting on Wednesday.


By l3wis