They pocketed gobs of money?

Over the past couple of days I have been told that the Pavilion has been actively trying to hide the 2020 report because of the buckets of money they brought in (a year that they were pretty much closed) and they fear if city leadership saw this or the public, their massive subsidies in operational and maintenance costs would go bye bye.

As I have stated for awhile, the Pavilion pretty much eats up the entertainment tax every year for maintenance. The bonds for the place have been paid off for a long time and the 3rd penny never went away, so it is slush fund for the Pavilion to add capital to the building without dipping into operational subsidies. The place is a complete f’ing money pit and the only thing that is FREE in the building is the bathrooms.

During COVID the Pavilion pretty much closed their doors, cancelled that season, laid off most part-time employees and a handful of full time. Most would assume that would mean financial ruin, but it is quite possible it is the exact opposite. Without any rent to pay, a significant reduction in labor costs, Federal Covid money and around 40%(?) of patrons never asking for a refund on their season tickets (they were allowed to make it a charitable donation toward the Pavilion) the place likely cashed in, BIG TIME while crickets roamed the halls.

I urge the city council to DEMAND the 2020 financial report be handed over and released to the public. It would also be nice to see what the 6-figure salary of the director has risen to (rumors are it hovers at $200K).

5 Thoughts on “There may be a reason why the Washington Pavilion Management is hiding the 2020 Financial Report

  1. "Workin' at the Car Wash, Yeah!" on December 29, 2021 at 9:18 pm said:

    Sounds like cornice and parapet time, if you ask me.

  2. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 30, 2021 at 1:12 am said:

    Washington High School aka the Pavilion is a great asset to the community, one of which the building to this day still sits on “public land” still patented as land that can only be used as a Education venue. Under this type of patent, there are only a few select use’s the land can be used for IF you were to tear down the building – it can only be one of 4 types of uses:

    a) School
    b) Public Park
    c) Science, Educational Resource Center, Museum
    d) Green Space

    Either way you look at it, the Pavilion is here to stay, it being utilized, covering all 4 types of patented use’s prescribed by federal law.

    My question would be, does the City Council have privilege right to review the 2020 CAFR of the Pavilion being it is a non-profit, private organization, and we we have the right to audit and review the “Directors Salary”.

    Yes, they receive public tax dollars from the City thanks to the public/private agreement we agreed to provide funding for ‘maintenance and upkeep’ but at what point do we not have the privilege to tell them how to operate or not operate?

    I want this building to be preserved long into the future, much of the funding revenues come from Private Donations, Membership Dues, User Fees, etc. The CITY contributes such a small amount percentage wise in relation to the total revenue stream, but contractually, we are obligated to provide those ‘maintenance costs’.

    So we either change the terms of the contract, or keep the same contract using some of our Entertainment Tax revenues going forward. Either way, the Pavilion is here to stay, cause the “residents” wish to preserve it.

  3. D@ily Spin on December 30, 2021 at 9:24 am said:

    $200k is to much for a director. Especially one whose responsibility is a vacant museum. No director should make $50k more than the mayor. Defund Garfunkel?

  4. mike, “we” the PEOPLE have no use’s “for” YOUR commentary.

  5. Wussy Lips on December 30, 2021 at 1:08 pm said:

    interesting. people looking to force people to pay people more money. is that good government

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