You won’t see it on the end of the video we downloaded (it was edited out) but as you can see from the screenshot below it had an unusual ending;

The city did eventually upload to their YouTube channel, but before that it was ONLY on FB. Bruce Danielson who owns and operates the SouthDacola YouTube channel that I link to frequently downloads from FB videos. He does NOT and never has had a FB account, so he was surprised when at the end of the SOC address video post on the City’s official FB page an ad/video for some kind of butt spray paint appears. Not sure why that happened, but it makes you wonder who uploaded the video to FB:) Was it a city employee or one of Paul’s campaign goons? And Bruce, if you are secretly looking for butt spray paint, we need to have a serious heart to heart conversation. LMFAO!
I guess I missed this in his address;
TenHaken announced he will be proposing to the Public Transit Advisory Board and City Council to make the public transit system free to kids citywide.
Hey great idea, wonder where it came from? Oh that’s right, I wrote about it here. I won’t take credit, I was alerted about this from a citizen advocate, Cathy Brechtelsbauer, and after I blogged about it I contacted Sioux Falls School Board President Cynthia Mickelson about Cathy’s idea and she started collaborating with a couple of city councilors, as far as I know they have already been trying to draw up an ordinance to do it, but like most of Poops ideas he lifts them from other people, you know like precincts, uh, I mean, report-to-work stations 🙂
Some call our mayor ‘Poops’. Others are advocating flushing every other day. And now, butt spray? I see a correlation and maybe an agenda here. No wonder the chairs at the State Theatre were made to be comfy. #MaybeTheGoonsPhonesShouldBeCheckedToo #JustSayin
Free bus rides for kids: Is that socialism or merely trickle-down from TIFs? #WhatsTheDifference?
Sure enough, some of us have been asking for fare-free bus rides for awhile now. In 2004 I had found other cities with fare-free buses and wrote a letter to the editor that April advocating free swimming for kids and fare-free bus rides for all.
Then in 2009, I found other cities with free bus rides for kids, some in summer, some all year, and started honing in on that idea. In May 2015, five 6th-grade girls went to City Council and won free summer rides for all the children of our city.
All the while, several of us have been asking for fare-free buses, which, as I said in 2004, would be a support to both employers and employees and a benefit everyone with less congestion and less pollution.
Thanks, Scott, for helping spread the idea.
On demand and now free, where is all of this going beyond our own destinations? Is it like a hotel becoming a ramp, or more like a toolbox becoming the norm?